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  • Vanzari / Key Account Management

    Business Development Manager


    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

    Montréal, Québec, Canada

    Career Level
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 569144
    Position Description Summary

    The National Business Development Manager’s role is to expand Schenker of Canada’s business nationally. The role has a Strategic Account focus, and requires the ability to develop senior level relationships with client decision makers, with the goal of product, market and vertical growth. While the incumbent may have a primary product focus, he/she is expected to market all of Schenker’s services to potential and existing clients. The National Business Development Manager must also be committed to exceeding client expectations while respecting company policies.

    Principal Accountabilities

    New Business Development 

    Planning and Development

    • Identifies and brings forward new business opportunities
    • Establishes a prospecting plan; identifies potential clients using knowledge of the market electronic databases, industry trade associations, trade shows, networking events, and consults other sources of information.

    Prepare action plans

    • Identifies decision makers at target clients
    • Maintains a good understanding of client business segment and of solutions proposed by the competition.
    • Identifies and analyze customer needs and develop solutions adapted to client expectations
    • Negotiates prices and conditions based on the type of service offering; proposes complementary services.
    • Obtains a service agreement/contract

     Account Retention 

    Follow-up and portfolio maintenance

    • Maintains regular contact with clients 
    • Anticipates evolution of customer demands and translate those into service offerings.
    • Responsible for ongoing, continuous customer relationship development with attendance at industry networking events, and hosting of customer entertainment meetings    
    • Collaborates with Schenker’s Business Development and Product Management Teams in developing innovative value propositions and customer solutions
    • Gathers and shares with Schenker staff, verbally or in written form, pertinent market information and data on existing and prospective clients as well as on emerging industry trends and competitor activities  
    Knowledge and Skills

    • Require 10 years of relevant sales experience; understands and anticipates customer needs
    • Degree in relevant discipline preferred
    • Concrete business examples of sales accomplishments. 
    • Plans work and measures performance
    • Business Community involvement.
    • Good interpersonal skills required.
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
    • Strong negotiation skills.
    • Microsoft Office & Ability to learn and use other applications 
    • Fluency in second language an asset

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual back-grounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.

    Accommodation and Commitment to Equity

    Schenker of Canada is proudly committed to ensuring equitable hiring practices and believes in giving each and every applicant an equal opportunity to succeed on his or her own merit. Schenker of Canada strives to ensure that all recruiting processes are non-discriminatory and barrier-free and will provide accommodations throughout the recruitment process to applicants with disabilities. If you are selected to participate in our recruitment process, please inform either the recruiter or the hiring manager of the nature of the accommodation(s) that you may require. Information received relating to accommodation needs of applicants will be addressed confidentially.

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