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  • Two DB SCHENKER employees looking at a clipboard
    • Cultură Organizațională
    • Diversitate și Incluziune
    • Oamenii Noștri

    Târguri, evenimente și logistică specială

    Handling Every Unique Event – With Your Help

    We live in a world where interactions, connections and strong presentations are pivotal for every business. This is why we offer Fairs and Special Transport to our customers – we take care of their logistics, so they can take care of business. From heavy transports, to high fashion runways – behind the scenes our teams deliver amazing logistics services.

    This is where we go the extra mile for our customers. This is where we act as business partners by extending our support and working for them so that they can introduce their business, brands and goods to the world.

    This is where hard work and street-smarts meet. Events of these types usually come with a broad spectrum of challenges in an environment that is constantly changing. You’ll need to have the skills for proactive planning, problem-solving and thinking quickly.

    If you are all about being hands-on and getting things done for our customers, then this might be the perfect opportunity for you. Ready to make a difference and help our customers with their unique needs? Apply away, we're already excited to meet you.

    It's show time!

    Events are critical for the success of our customers.

    That's exactly what we help them achieve. We deliver tailor-made solutions that help them stand out in the crowd and be unique. 

    Man standing in front of a forklift, smiling into the camera

    This is where you step in. We bring together enthusiastic and like-minded individuals to work with our customers and help them manage their fairs and special transportation needs.

    With us, you will:

    • Make high visibility events happen for our customers
    • Be part of world-wide, high profile events
    • Collaborate with our teams globally
    • Work in a fast-moving environment
    • Get satisfaction for a job well done

    Selected Job Offers

    • Frankfurt (Main), Hesse, Germania

      Service Expert - Sports Events (w/m/d)

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Profesionisti, Norma intreaga

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    • Wundschuh, Styria, Austria

      Customer Service Agent (w/m/d)

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Profesionisti, Norma intreaga

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    • Dresden, Saxony, Germania

      Lagermitarbeiter Chemieindustrie (w/m/d)

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Absolventi, Norma intreaga

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    • Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germania

      Mitarbeiter Business Development (w/m/d) Special Logistics

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Absolventi, Norma intreaga

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    • Zürich, Zürich, Elveția

      Project Manager Fairs & Special Logistics (w/m/d) 100%

      Administrativ / Management, Logistica Contractuala, Transport Rutier, Targuri si Expozitii, Proiecte
      Absolventi, Norma intreaga

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    • Tilburg, North Brabant, Țările de Jos

      Business Development Manager Special Logistics

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Profesionisti, Norma intreaga

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    • Wundschuh, Styria, Austria + more locations

      Customer Service Agent (w/m/d)

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Profesionisti, Norma intreaga

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    • Röthis, Vorarlberg, Austria

      Head of Team Fairs, Events & Special Logistics (m/w/d)

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Profesionisti, Norma intreaga

      Vizualizați jobul
    • Röthis, Vorarlberg, Austria

      Customer Service Agent (w/m/d)

      Targuri si Expozitii
      Profesionisti, Norma intreaga

      Vizualizați jobul

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    Pentru mai multe informații vă rugăm să accesați politica de confidențialitate a datelor.