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  • Vanzari / Key Account Management

    Business Development Manager


    Perth, Western Australia, Australia

    Career Level
    Profesionisti | Studii academice | Management & Executie
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 526206
    The Role 

    We have a new opportunity for a Business Development Manager to join our team in Western Australia. The role will be responsible for driving the growth of new business and developing existing sales across air freight, sea freight, customs brokerage, and supply chain services. Your success in this role will be measured by your ability to target new business opportunities and establish a robust pipeline of suitable prospects. 

    Key Responsibilities: 
    • B959’s – Manage security clearances, Dangerous Goods Declarations etc to avoid applying for B959’s 

    • Ensure accurate invoicing, greater than 98%. Invoicing to be completed same day as cargo departure via Tango. 

    • Solve customer complaints in conjunction with operational departments. 

    • Provide timely quotes within a 4-hour KPI response time.

    • Ensure all emails are responded to within a 4-hour KPI time 

    • Ensure all export cargo has flown as booked. 

    • Develop and close new business by implementing and adjusting sales goals and processes
    • Identify and develop a qualified sales pipeline exceeding 10x target value, supporting defined campaigns
    • Collaborate with the State Sales Manager to strategize and support existing customer relationships and new account growth
    • Manage and direct marketing/sales team initiatives for new sales contacts
    • Provide accurate information for customer SOP creation by the Implementation team
    • Contribute as a key member of the Management Group in overall plans, strategies, budgets, and performance reviews
    • Attend internal meetings as required by sales management
    • Manage agendas for internal and external visitors
    The successful candidate will have:
    • 4-10 years of freight forwarding/sales experience; or a combination of education and experience
    • Excellent sales and customer service skills
    • Strong written and verbal communication skills
    • Ability to read, analyse, and interpret business periodicals, journals, procedures, or government requirements
    • Effective report writing and business correspondence skills
    • Strong adaptability and attention to detail
    • Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)


    Computers and Electronics

    Being part of DB Schenker means you and your family can take advantage of special discounts on a wide range of Computer & Electronic products and services with Apple, Dell, Samsung & LG.

    Novated Leasing

    Novated Leasing is an Employee Benefit designed for Employees of Schenker Australia to buy and own a motor vehicle under a leasing agreement with FleetPartners, our preferred Novated Leasing provider.

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to Move.

    To be considered for this position you will need valid rights to work and live in Australia

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