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  • Transport Rutier

    Manager, Transport Solution Design


    Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailanda

    Career Level
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 525373
    • Analyze customer's business requirement. Provide technical design including data gathering & analysis, process design & commercial.
    • Create solution proposal & comprehensive presentation to customer.
    • Modelling to convert business metrics into transport solutions, including but not limited to network design, channel selection, routing and scheduling, warehouse layout/sizing and productivity/labor planning.
    • Trucking cost analysis (including fuel usage, maintenance costs, etc.).
    • Ensure smooth handover of successful proposal to implementation team.
    • Manage and organize responses to customers or other members of Business Development and Sales teams in support of RFQs for distribution portion.
    • Develop and maintain a Cost Model for computing trucking and distribution costs.
    • Update Management on developments in nationwide distribution market on regular basis, and propose development ideas.
    • Participate in joint calls and customer visits to gather information and to present and represent Schenker’s distribution capabilities and know-how.
    • Support the preparation of Investment Applications for trucking related assets and resources.
    • Other tasks as may be assigned by Head of Business Development.
    • Maintain and follow company rules, regulations and Health, Safety and Environmental Standards.
    • Minimum 5 years' experience in Logistic & Supply Chain, especially transport solutions.
    • Ability to present in Thai and English
    • Experience with Transport Management Systems
    • Experience with ERP

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.

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