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  • Transport Aerian

    Airfreight Supervisor


    Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodgia

    Career Level
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 525069

    Job responsibilities:

    • Responsible for all Air Freight operations and adherence to guidelines and policies
    • Summarize SOP to minimize it and train staffs to understand global SOP. 
    • Problem solving with customers, airlines and Schenker counterpart. 
    • Actively promote the growth of trade lane sales development with overseas partners
    • Manage alternative process/flows to proactively support customers and business needs
    • Assist to manage Service Level Agreements with internal and external users.
    • Ensure optimum airline lift and space capacity utilization
    • Perform feasibility studies for cost/benefit analysis
    • Review, formulate and implement procedures, standards and controls in accordance to corporate guidelines and policies.
    • Deploy and manage of a full suite of tools which enable measurement and improvement of operating business
    • Study and implement industry best practices and market trends on operational and service excellence (both backend and frontend)
    • Provide advice and operation support to the sales team for all air sales initiatives
    • Responsible for strong interface with customers to provide optimal operation support and service quality
    • Conduct regular communication sessions / meetings to promote teamwork and departments’ overall effectiveness and efficiency.
    • Conduct cross divisional communication sessions on customer service improvement plans.
    • Act as an escalation channel for all operation matters impacting the department’s performance and customer satisfaction 
    • Establish and manage supporting resource plans (including development of capital, human resource, operational and infrastructure plans) to enable delivery of business plan objectives
    • Ensure staffs on time issue invoice and update event to customers base on KPI percentage set.
    • Drive and Develop ability of teamwork to get a successful with high qualifies.  
    • Monthly closing shipment job file for P&L.  
    • Other tasks as required by Head of Airfreight. 


    1. Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies/ Sales & Marketing/ Foreign Trade /Economics or equivalent
    • Good command of Written and Spoken English. Chinese is a priority.
    • Good computer skill i.e. Microsoft office Word, Excel, Power Point and email.
    • 3- 5 years’ experience in related field.  
    • 1-2 years leadership experience is an advantage.
    • Able to work independently with tight deadlines and pressure.  
    • Good communication skill, efficiency in time management, high accuracy, patience and problem-solving skill. 
    • Be the good planner, controller, monitor, analysis, active, hardworking and think of frame. 

    General Description: 

    The incumbent would report under Head of Air Freight. The primary function of the work-stream and of the role of Air Freight Customer Service Supervisor is to responsible for supporting air freight department to enabling new business growth, pricing replies for Air Freight, in consultation with Air Management.


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