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  • Financiar / Controlling

    Finance and Accounting Services Team Lead


    Taguig, NCR (National Capital Region), Filipine

    Career Level
    Profesionisti | Studii academice | Management & Executie
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 396294

    Team Management

    • Lead and manage team members performance and development, proper staffing, and work allocations
    • Ensure team members engagement, development, sustain and retain employees
    • Advocate and represent team members' interests
    • Oversee and assure team members training quality and positive overall experience Accounting and Reporting Oversight
    • Responsible for a team's day-to-day accounting and/or legal entity (statistical) reporting performance
    • Oversee and review day-to-day accounting and/or legal entity (statistical) reporting activities to ensure all entries are recorded
    • Oversee and review asset accounting and period control procedures
    • Oversee and review verification and reconciliation of assigned balance sheet accounts (incl. compliance controls) Process Improvement and Implementation
    • Lead the team in day-to-day execution of the process activities by ensuring high-quality deliverables
    • Lead and facilitate complex accounting issues resolutions, provide advice to the business
    • Lead and ensure Implementation of global accounting policies and procedures, agreed internal processes are implemented and followed
    • Ensure team's timely and accurately documented service-related business knowledge Performance Monitoring and Execution
    • Oversees and reviews internal and external audit procedures, initiate changes according to audit feedback
    • Oversee and review deliverables prepared by other finance colleagues
    • Ensure team's performance according to Service Level Agreement (SLA)
    • Ensure team's assigned tasks are performed efficiently and with a professional manner
    • Execute all other position-related tasks delegated by Line Manager

    Primary Qualifications

    • Bachelor's degree in finance, Mathematics, Statistics or related discipline is an advantage.
    • Relevant and/or similar work experience within accounting field (minimum 6 years).
    • Professional certification such as a CPA is an advantage.
    • Proven knowledge of finance and accounting processes and process improvements.
    • Must be fluent in English (both written and spoken).
    • Solid end-to-end process understanding. Knowledge and practice in IFRS are an advantage.
    • High-Proficient Excel skills and experience with SAP.
    • People management (coaching and motivation).
    • Ability to work with different types of personality.
    • Drive for creating high performance culture.
    • Analytical mindset with solution and development-oriented problem-solving skills.
    • Co-operation skills in a cross-cultural organization.
    • Embracing Client name values and a safe and inclusive work culture.


    Professional Development

    We're strong believers in continual training and development for our people. After all, your success is our success.

    Work-life Balance

    Our vacation and leave policies reflect our belief in proper work-life balance.

    Life Insurance

    We offer financial protection or assistance in dealing with adverse circumstances or surviving dependents in the event of the insured's death.

    Medical Coverage

    We offer great HMO benefits with dental coverage to help the employee on difficult times of sickness and emergency.

    Medicine Reimbursement

    We offer an annual reimbursement for medicine and optical needs.

    Transportation Allowance

    We offer monthly transportation cash assistance.

    Uniform & Clothing Allowance

    We offer a non-taxable monthly cash assistance for the employee's basic needs such as clothing.

    Laundry Allowance

    We offer a non-taxable monthly laundry cash assistance.

    Rice Allowance

    We offer monthly rice allowance

    Accident Insurance

    We offer financial protection to an employee who suffered work related injury.

    Vacation Leave

    We offer paid Vacation Leave

    Sick Leave

    We offer paid Sick Leave

    Emergency Leave

    We offer paid Emergency Leave of 3 days based on acceptable exigencies.

    Birthday Leave

    We offer paid Birthday Leave to be availed on the employees'birth month.

    Bereavement Leave

    We offer paid Bereavement Leave of 3 days for the death an immediate family member.

    Birthday Gift

    We offer Birthday Gift for employees to be given during their birth month.

    Maternity Benefit for Female Employees

    We offer reimbursement of hospital bills with maximum amount of Php20,000 for normal delivery and Php30,000 for miscarriage and legal abortion provided that medical procedures are performed.

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.
    To be considered for this position you must have valid rights to work and live in Philippines.

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