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  • Transport Rutier

    Fleet Management Executive


    İstanbul, İstanbul, Turcia

    İzmir, İzmir, Turcia

    Career Level
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 394702
    JOB DESCRIPTION In-Field Operations; * Controlling the general conditions of trailers, * Making the necessary organizations with the service in case of trailer damage, * Following up on trailers traffic insurance transactions, * Keeping the originals of trailer licenses and conformity documents and re-issuing them in case of loss, * Providing communication and organizations with drivers, * Ensuring that daily driver cards are kept, following up and monitoring mileage, diesel purchase and consumption, * Calculating driver’s monthly allowances, * Following up annual inspection dates, * Ensuring that deficiencies are eliminated if necessary for the vehicle whose inspection has arrived and organizing TUV transactions, * Following up on traffic fines and reflecting them to drivers. Trailer Management: * Keeping the daily trailer tracking list up to date, * Instantly sharing the information about empty equipment with the relevant Operations units, * Providing the information about empty equipment to the sales department and ensuring that vehicles are provided for spot loads in addition to annual loads, * Ensuring the use of appropriate trailers according to the needs of the operation, * Monitoring the monthly number of trips and utilization performance of the trailers and reporting them monthly bases, * Monitoring and controlling all in-field operations, * Obtaining offers and making annual agreements by meeting with domestic and foreign trucking companies and haulers. * Working location : İstanbul or İzmir
    * Relevant bachelor’s degree (Especially in logistics field) * Good command of English * Minimum 5 years of experience in related business is preferred * Office programs user experience * Command of transportation and customs legislation
    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 75,800 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.
    (*) Equal Opportunity Employer: At DB Schenker we are proud of our diverse work- force and we are committed in enhancing it further. Therefore, we welcome all applicants, regard- less of gender, age, disability, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

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