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  • Vanzari / Key Account Management

    Business Development Manager - Airfreight


    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Career Level
    Profesionisti | Studii academice | Management & Executie
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Norma intreaga
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 167807

    The Role

    Are you ready to make your mark with a leader in the logistics sector? We are seeking Business Development Manager - Air with a focus on Exports who has a desire to win, manage and maintain Airfreight Export customers. You will have the best of both worlds - autonomy, in a team environment. You will be trusted to bring your sales expertise all while being supported so that you can achieve your goals.

    Role Highlights

    • Drive and manage sales opportunities for Airfreight
    • Develop strategies and activities to support existing customer relationships
    • Identify sales pipelines and support campaigns, with a focus on exports
    • Manage initiatives on new sales contacts with the marketing & sales teams
    • Contribute to overall plans, strategies, budgets, and performance reviews

    The Ideal Candidate

    We're looking for someone with at least 2+ years Airfreight Exports focus and exposure to sales/business development in air freight, freight forwarding or logistics. Well-versed in managing regulatory requirements for exports, you will possess experience handling a mix of commodities of export cargo including perishable exports. You will have excellent communication skills, the proven ability to negotiate and problem solve, and be capable of building long-term relationships with customers. Does that sound like you?

    Why Work with Us?

    🌍 A culture that promotes inclusivity and diversity

    👥 Work with a dynamic and supportive team environment

    🏠 Enjoy work-from-home flexibility

    🌱 Contribute to a company focused on sustainability and inclusivity

    🚀 Seize opportunities for personal development and progression

    🌈 Utilise our Employee Assistance Program and get discounted medical insurance

    🏖️ Enjoy a 17.5% bonus on your annual leave


    Computers and Electronics

    Being part of DB Schenker means you and your family can take advantage of special discounts on a wide range of Computer & Electronic products and services with Apple, Dell, Samsung & LG.

    Novated Leasing

    Novated Leasing is an Employee Benefit designed for Employees of Schenker Australia to buy and own a motor vehicle under a leasing agreement with FleetPartners, our preferred Novated Leasing provider.

    Unleash Your Potential with DB Schenker 

    Imagine shaping the future of logistics. At DB Schenker, this isn't just a possibility - it's an everyday reality. With a robust team of over 76,000 professionals worldwide, every individual is a key player, empowered to make an impact. But the journey at DB Schenker isn't just about our collective achievements; it's also about personal growth and realising your own potential.

    If you're eager to take on a career that is rich with opportunities, challenges, and rewards, we welcome you to join us. At DB Schenker, we're in the business of moving things forward.

    To be considered for this position you will need valid rights to work and live in Australia

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