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  • Logistica

    Office Supervisor

    Amsterdam, North Holland, Țările de Jos
    Career Level
    Specialist cu experienta
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Full time
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 351017

    Activitățile dumneavoastră

    The position

    • You organize and regulate the daily affairs of your team, supervising the quality and progress of the work
    • You are the first point of contact for escalations
    • You support and guide the office team and ensure that employees continue to develop themselves
    • You think along about process improvements and implement new processes
    • You share responsibility for the financial data and you are the knowledge carrier for various systems within the department


    We ask

    For this position, we are looking for a team player with conviction and drive. You are a strong communicator and have a good command of the English language both verbally and in writing. You have good people skills and can coach and guide people. You are good at introducing structure and standardizing processes, while being able to adopt a critical attitude.

    We offer

    * A competitive salary based on knowledge and experience

    * 27.5 vacation days

    * Flexible work from home arrangement

    * Career opportunities and room for personal development

    * Fixed travel allowance

    * Pension scheme

    * Profit sharing benefit

    A pre-employment screening is part of the selection procedure.

    Are you interested? Please share your profile via

    Oferta noastră

    Do you have leadership skills, experience in logistics, heart for the customer and enjoy being involved in team development? For our Amsterdam CL location, we are looking for an Office Supervisor. As Office Supervisor, you report to the Branch Director and are jointly responsible for the office team of 9. You will ensure that work is carried out efficiently, effectively, and productively and that the customer is and remains satisfied with our services.


    DB Schenker is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.

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