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  • Logistica

    Logistics Supervisor (Inbound)

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Career Level
    Specialist cu experienta
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Full time
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 351558

    Activitățile dumneavoastră

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to Move.

    Key Focus Areas:

    • Monitor Cost control & recovery for out-of-scope work performed
    • Monitor all overtime adhering to approval levels
    • Supervision of logistics staff in the Multi client Team
    • Develop effective relationships with internal/external client base
    • Ensure all staff comply with Occupational Health & Safety policies and procedures and ensure the work environment is safe
    • Manage performance of individuals in teams
    • Employ appropriate communication strategies

    Ideally you should have:

    • 2-3 years of experience in the logistics industry
    • Change management experience
    • A strong track record of building and maintaining customer relationships
    • A good understanding of logistics operations requirements
    • Proficiency in specific Warehouse Management Systems
    • Presenting internal and external reports
    • A solid understanding of Occupational Health & Safety requirements
    • Awareness of current logistics systems, materials handling equipment, and providers
    • Strong leadership skills and able to drive improvements and change

    Why DB Schenker?
    We know that our team is our greatest asset, and that's why we're committed to providing you with the best work environment, opportunities, and benefits. From competitive salaries to optimal healthcare offerings - we have you covered!

    • Career Development & Education - we support a range of programs and courses so you can strive for personal and professional excellence!
    • Health & Well-being Benefits - you will have access to our holistic Employee Assistance Program and Medical Insurance Discounts
    • Major Brand Discounts - thinking about that new purchase? You'll have access to discounts from our globally renowned Electronic and Automotive customers
    • Novated Leasing - you will have access to a range of cost-effective programs from our fleet service provider, who make the complex easy
    • Annual leave loading - we encourage you to take a break, enjoy some 'RnR' and reward you for it! With 17.5% annual leave loading, there's more $$ in your pocket while you are taking a break
    • Free insurances with our super plan - you can save up to $2,200 per year. DB Schenker funds extra insurances for you, within our default super fund, AMP (Death and Disability + Salary continuous insurances)

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