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  • Transport Aerian

    Air Operation Key Account Manager

    Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong, China
    Career Level
    Specialist cu experienta
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Full time
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 222255

    Activitățile dumneavoastră

    Specific Accountabilities:

    Take responsibility for the Air business development strategy with Multi National Clients

    • Establish, grow and maintain customer relationships based on world class supply chain solutions to ensure above market growth
    • Maintain close communication and collaboration with the South china Key Account team to leverage know how and customer relationships in Air freight
    • Provide information to business development activities from Global/AP/South china key account team
    • Work closely with network partners to develop successful account strategies
    • Work in close collaboration with all operational functions to ensure highest quality service is delivered to all Key Account clients
    • Develop and implement the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) when key account is set up and to update and maintain the SOP at any time according to the client's demands.
    • Strictly follow and Implement company credit policy, monitor and collect the outstanding accounts of the clients.


    Your Qualifications, experience & skills:

    Proficiency in Mandarin and English.

    • Sound business acumen
    • Excellent knowledge of Air freight
    • Deep understanding of supply chain management and its strategic as well as financial implications
    • Distinct analytical and conceptual skills
    • Able to explain complex solutions in a simple and efficient manner
    • Strong presentation skills
    • Superior communication skills
    • Bright, modest and winning personality
    • University degree or equivalent, preferred in Logistics, International Trade
    • Minimum 5 years' Air freight experience in a related position

    Oferta noastră

    The main responsibilities of Air Operation Key Account Manager are to develop South China Air business of China Multinational Company(CMNC). Ensuring that the overall business service meets customer needs and requirements. Understand customers existing supply chain and ultimately challenge it, with focus to become customer's first choice of advisor. Understand and set up clear strategic development plan based on given customer portfolios, which is in line with the company sales targets.

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