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  • Woman in safety jacket sitting behind the wheel of a truck
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    Drive Your Future

    This is for all the drivers out there. The individuals who want to drive for a better tomorrow. The people who are ready to drive new roads and make dreams come true by delivering goods. This is for those who not only make things move but also possess a love and passion for what they do.

    Just as a car is incomplete without wheels, we are incomplete without our truck drivers. Why? Because they move more than just goods, they move our customer’s dreams.

    If you are a truck driver, ready to travel miles with us, then we welcome you. If you love what you do and would like to see the smile on our customers' faces, then we await you. If you wish to become part of an innovative logistics company, then we are excited to meet you.

    Are you ready to do this?

    Continuously exploring horizons. Going the extra mile. If you are ready to hit the open road, then this might be the perfect opportunity for you.

    You’re in control while working with us. The same way you have control of your truck!

    Man in safety vest standing in front of a cargo truck smiling into the camera

    There’s more… With us, you get to:

    • Experience the freedom of an open road
    • Gain experienced insight into the load that's right for you
    • Stay on track and keep everything at the touch of your fingers
    • Use modern company vehicles
    • Be part of a global leader in transportation and logistics

    Selected Job Offers

    • South Holland, Illinois, Verenigde Staten

      Heavy Tire Technician

      Operations & Maintenance, Vervoer over land
      Graduates, Fulltime

      Vacature bekijken
    • Gersthofen, Bavaria, Duitsland

      Ausbildung: Kfz-Mechatroniker (w/m/d) 2025

      Operations & Maintenance
      Opleiding, Fulltime

      Vacature bekijken

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