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  • Two young DB SCHENKER employees standing together in the office one of them holding a tablet
    • Kiemelt állások
    • Sokszínűség és befogadás
    • Alkalmazottaink
    • Munkakultúra
    • Fenntarthatóság ESG

    Make an Impact While Studying

    This opportunity is for the students who wish to make an impact while they are still studying. Do you have ideas that could help bring a change in the way things are done? Do you have a knack for problem-solving? Do you feel like managing your time better? And lastly, are you looking to gain industry insights while studying? If you've answered yes, then this opportunity is for you!

    We welcome vibrant and enthusiastic students to become part of our teams. From helping you gain experience and allowing you to establish a network at an early stage – we get your career going at the speed of light!

    Are you ready to embark upon a journey that will drastically increase your career opportunities for tomorrow? Do you feel like becoming a part of something worthwhile?

    With us, you get a chance to acquire the necessary practical skills and use them to your advantage in the future. Bring your dynamic energy and vibrant spirit. We’ll bring 150 years of logistics experience. It’s a deal!

    Are you ready to get started

    Imagine getting a head start. Imagine adding value while still being a student. Imagine helping experts solve problems even before completing your education. If this sounds exciting to you, then you should apply for our open opportunities right away!

    Becoming part of our team as a working student comes with a lot of good advantages. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider joining us. You get to:


    Do you have any questions about an open job position? 

    Schenker AG 
    Kruppstraße 4
    45128 Essen
    Phone: +49 201-8781-5525

    Selected Job Offers

    • Frankfurt, Hessen, Németország

      Werkstudent im Bereich IT&D Management & Steering EMEA (m/f/d)

      Working Student, Part time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Frankfurt, Hessen, Németország

      Werkstudent / Praktikant im Personalbereich (m/f/d

      humán erőforrás
      Working Student, Full Time/Part Time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Gersthofen (86368), Bayern, Németország

      Studentische Hilfskraft / Schüler / Aushilfe (w/m/d)

      Working Student, Full Time/Part Time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Frankfurt, Hessen, Németország

      Werkstudent im Personalbereich (m/f/d)

      humán erőforrás
      Working Student, Part time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Frankfurt, Hessen, Németország

      Werkstudent im Personalbereich (m/f/d)

      humán erőforrás
      Working Student, Part time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Bucharest, Románia

      Import File Desk Junior Associate for SEE

      pénzügy / kontrolling
      Working Student, Full time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Frankfurt, Hessen, Németország

      Werkstudent Payroll Services (w/m/d)

      pénzügy / kontrolling
      Working Student, Part time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Frankfurt, Hessen, Németország

      Werkstudent Employment Contract Services (w/m/d)

      humán erőforrás
      Working Student, Part time

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Németország

      Working Student Air Freight Operational Excellence (m/f/d)

      légi szállítmányozás
      Working Student, Part time

      Munkahely megtekintése

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