Találja meg pontosan, amit keres

  • Kérjük, válassza ki a helyszínt és a nyelvet

  • Man with safety helmet driving a forklift
    • Munkakultúra
    • Sokszínűség és befogadás
    • Alkalmazottaink


    More Than a Space – Bringing Innovation to Warehousing

    Can you imagine a bank without a safe, a computer without a processor, or a team without a coach? Similar to that, without our warehousing specialty, we’re incomplete. Our worldwide network covers more square meters than a small country. Yes, warehousing is complex and big business.

    If you are a strategic thinker – we need you! Our warehouse specialists take care of all the operations inside of our warehouses and are responsible for preparing and handling all goods, to be shipped around the world, whatever destination. From planning and scheduling to coordinating and developing standard operating procedures within our facilities and across the whole supply chain – we’ll trust you to take care of it all.

    So, if you like to keep an eye on things and have a skill for keeping them organized, then we can’t wait to meet you! If you’re all about being organized – then this is the best opportunity for you to work your passion.

    Are you ready to do this?

    Being good at something is great! Finding the right environment to bring it out and refine it? Divine. This is why working with like-minded people takes you places - they will inspire and encourage you.

    A group of logistics workers in safety vests standing in front of paletts of cargo.

    Add a sense of healthy competition and we think that you’ll become your best you. By working with us, you will:

    • Work with a global leader
    • Deliver results for some of the most desirable brands in the world
    • Develop and leverage innovative skills
    • Share your work environment with amazing like-minded people
    • Be part of a compassionate and supporting team

    Selected Job Offers

    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Senior Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Integrált tanulmányok, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Integrált tanulmányok, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Deggendorf, Bavaria, Németország

      Lagermitarbeiter (w/m/d)

      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Büchlberg, Bavaria, Németország

      Lagermitarbeiter (w/m/d)

      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations (2 of 2)

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations (3 of 3)

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore Office, Singapore, Szingapúr + more locations

      Storekeeper - Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations (1 of 4)

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése

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