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  • Two DB SCHENKER employees looking at a clipboard while standing in front of warehouse shelfs
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    • Sokszínűség és befogadás
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    Contract logistics Experts

    One of the Leading and Fastest Growing Global Logistics Service Providers

    Our contract logistics department is like that superhero who arrives at a scene and sorts everything out for all the parties involved. Without them, we would be truly lost. So, what's your extraordinary power? Are you good at putting out fires? Are you a mastermind at tackling tough situations? Do you always think ahead and predict best solutions? Or maybe you’re good at helping others achieve more collectively? 

    And all great superheroes work better as a team. When individuals with different superpowers come together to produce results that get things done and set the tone for others to follow. 

    Our team brings together some of the best minds and we have many superpowers including, offering the best products, designing supply chains and optimal warehouse solutions, fostering operational efficiency, best-in-class implementations, efficient project management, health and safety, and strategic relationships.

    We are also constantly enhancing digital tools that make areas, such as inventory management and processing orders, easier. Having the power to turn the tides in favor of our customers is something we strive for each day.

    So, which role suits you the most? We understand that we're all created differently. But together, we can become truly great. Apply straight away, and let's work together to achieve the extraordinary!

    Are you ready to do this?

    At DB Schenker, we work hard while filling our days with a little fun!

    If you want to unlock your potential by saying and doing things that you mean – then you're at the right place. If you truly want to make a difference with your work – then you're at the right place. If you're up for pushing your limits and developing yourself – then you're at the right place.  

    We're all about working together to achieve a single goal, and we're confident that you could help us move faster towards achieving our goals by joining our contract logistics team! 

    Man standing in front of a forklift, smiling into the camera

    Work with us if you want to:

    • Constantly improve processes for increased efficiencies
    • Build a career for yourself
    • Work with an amazing international and diverse team
    • Grow as part of a global contract logistics operation

    Selected Job Offers

    • Lancaster, Ohio, Egyesült Államok

      Data Center Associate Shift B (2:00p-10:30p, Monday-Friday)

      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Jyväskylä, Finland, Finnország

      Kesätyö, Kuljettajia Jyväskylään

      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Henderson, Nevada, Egyesült Államok


      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Edwardsville, Illinois, Egyesült Államok

      Customer Service Representative

      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Inwood, West Virginia, Egyesült Államok

      Training Coordinator

      Logisztika, Raktározás
      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Browns Summit, North Carolina, Egyesült Államok

      Warehouse Supervisor

      Szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkező, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • Singapore, Singapore, Szingapúr

      Logistics Officer- Contract Logistics/SCM, Operations

      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • New Albany, Ohio, Egyesült Államok

      Senior Customer Service Representative

      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése
    • New Albany, Ohio, Egyesült Államok

      Data Center Associate

      Pályakezdő, Teljes munkaidő

      Munkahely megtekintése

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