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    Sales Support Junior Associate

    Bucureşti, Románia
    Pozíció szint
    Foglalkoztatás típusa, Munka típusa
    Full time
    Kiadási dátum, azonosítósz.
    , 327510

    Az Ön feladatai

    Support DB Schenker's sales teams with administrative tasks and achieves individual and team objectives set by SLA (Service Contracts) and KPI (Key Performance Indicators).

    Achieves individual and team objectives set by SLA (Service Contracts) and KPI (Key Performance Indicators); knows and applies the process and procedures that needs to be applied

    Manipulates and formats data in order to meet internal customer needs constantly

    Extracts data from existing databases and calculates KPI's based on business rules

    Checks data accuracy and does quality checks of internal and customer reports; uses experience and judgement for data validation and elimination of eventual system and process errors; conducts internal follow ups and data validation with branches and operational teams around the globe

    Checks discrepancies and wording/ formatting/ graphic errors

    Offers support in transition of new processes, including participation in tests, meetings and process documentation

    Documentation maintenance for existing processes, reflecting process changes or clarifications

    Effective collaboration with business partners, activily engaging and participating in business review meetings (SLAs and KPIs)

    Preparing the analysis and intervention plans for addressing the deviation of business results from the KPIs (in case of deviations)

    Flexibility in approaching and solving problems for improving the quality and the services provided

    Close collaboration with the Team Leader and prompt updates related to the delivery of the daily tasks/ work process

    Respects the performance, quality and timeliness criteria, continuously striving for quality and service improvement

    Handles other tasks and responsibilities as requested by the business needs, under the coordination of the Team Leader


    Flexibility to react quickly and effectively on changing requirements and opportunities; ability to deliver against deadlines and to perform against multiple priorities and detailed tasks

    Experienced in Key software tools (MS Office - Excel, Word, Outlook, Databeses, etc.)

    Fluent spoken and written English (academic qualification preferred)

    Other foreign language- Fluent spoken and written (only if required by the country/ business partner the sales Reporting service is offered to)

    Availability to travel for trainings, new scope transitions and/or business reviews

    Excellent presentation skills

    Excellent time management ond tasks' organizing abilities

    Ability to work effectively in a customer/ service driven environment, both individually and as a team player

    Ability to handle multiple tasks in the same time

    Proactive attitude identifying possible issues and the corresponding solutions, including implementation of the solutions

    Initiative spirit for continuous improvement of the processes, quality and efficiency

    Internal motivation, enthusiasm, attention to detail, focus on delivering results

    Excellent communication skills (written and verbal), on direct and/or virtual collaboration with team members or business partners

    Az ajánlatunk

    Support DB Schenker's sales teams with administrative tasks and achieves individual and team objectives set by SLA (Service Contracts) and KPI (Key Performance Indicators).


    Schenker Deutschland AG is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.

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