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    Business Development Manager, Ocean Shenzhen

    Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong, Kína
    Pozíció szint
    Foglalkoztatás típusa, Munka típusa
    Full time
    Kiadási dátum, azonosítósz.
    , 295354

    Az Ön feladatai

    Develop/retain the local control businesses & strategic Chinese accounts and manage the customer relationship to ensure the sales budget achievement and financial goals.

    In-charge of the customer DSO and ensure the payment can be settled in due time and aligned with company's KPI.

    Identify the customer's needs in the region and translate it into strategy then properly distributed internally

    Drive /manage the RFQ and work closely with product team / overseas counter partner and provide the competitive solution to customer

    Manage the service performance by setting up proper process and drive for the implementation /SOP to meet customer's KPI requirement

    Report the business development activities to his management according to existing formats on agreed period

    Identify the gaps in capabilities and put together suggestions to the management to build up such capabilities


    • Fluency in both written and spoken English.

    • Warm and bright, with excellent interpersonal communication skills and bargaining power, and positive and progressive enterprise.

    • Has a strong organization, coordination and problem-solving abilities.

    • University degree or equivalent, preferred in Logistics, International Trade

    • 5 years' experience in a related sales/ key account management position.

    Az ajánlatunk

    Develop / retain the local control business and deliver results that meet or exceed client expectations resulting in new and expanded business in Shenzhen. Meet the financial goals established by growing existing business and/or by seizing new opportunities.

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