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    Transport damage

    Find out what you should do in the event of damaged or lost goods.

    If your goods have been damaged or lost, please proceed as follows:

    Official claim

    All claims must be submitted in writing in the form of a claim invoice and must include a claim amount.

    Remember to include the following documents:

    For us to be able to assign your claim to one of our transports, please also note the waybill number, STT number or our claim number on your claim invoice.

    Your claim invoice should also contain a payment reference and the bank details.
    We ask that you prepare your official claim in accordance with § 1 of the German Value Added Tax Act without VAT, as this is not a process in which added value is created. 

    Transport insurance via DB SCHENKER connect (spot bookings)

    Have you covered your transport with an insurance via DB SCHENKER connect (spot bookings)?
    Please report your claim directly in DB SCHENKER connect. Your claim will then be checked by our insurance company. 

    The following link will take you to instructions:


    From now on, you can also submit your claim online with or without registration.

    To register in eClaims, please contact your local office.

    Without registration continue here: Public eClaims

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    You can find more details regarding the use and purpose of cookies, including first and third-party cookies, in our cookie settings. You can reject the use of cookies and other technologies and withdraw your consent any time with future effect by deactivating the respective code category in the cookie settings. You can find more information regarding these settings and the processing of your data in our privacy policy.

  • Cookies and tracking scripts

    We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, which are not mandatory for the technical functions of the website. Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.

    Our privacy policy is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of the collection and processing of data, including through the use of cookies through our sites, and that you can make a decision that is appropriately informed. However you can change your cookie settings at any time.

    Please find further information within our data privacy policy.