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    Packaging Advice

    For decades, we have been specializing in the development and distribution of first-class packaging solutions. For industry, trade and logistics. – DB SCHENKER europac is a product of Schenker Deutschland AG.

    Many customers turn to us to prevent damage in transit. After all, above a certain rate, these are not only annoying, but unacceptable. We examine the transportation chain for the causes.

    What could it be?

    Our customers benefit from the fact that our advice is based on figures, data, and facts. This makes our analysis special. Being a part of DB Schenker, we are able to track shipments over the entire transportation route, including handling, and to trace all relevant data (e.g., temperature, vibrations, humidity and physical impacts). That is why we use the key criteria for our analyses.

    Involve us as early as possible in the development of your packaging. This will prevent unpleasant surprises during the first shipment. But even if your product has long been established, it is still worth taking a critical look at the packaging — especially if transportation damage occurs or the damage rate increases.

    Watch Video

    Why packaging your goods properly is always a good idea

    Contact us!

    DB SCHENKER | europac

    +49 9561 8148-0

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