1. 4 Nov 2024

    EU Deforest Regularion moved to 2026


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    Customs Services – Customs Made Easy

    Your challenge is our passion.

    Whoever you ship with: Our customs experts are here for you.

    Customs clearance or customs brokerage? For many companies, navigating the complex world of customs paperwork is a daunting and tedious task – with complexity even increasing over the last decades. Our teams, covering 34 countries in Europe, are ready to take on your challenges. Every year, we process millions of import and export declarations and transit procedures. With our experts and modern digital solutions, we enable you to do business smoothly across national borders. No matter if you are shipping with us or another transport company: We take care of your customs matters so that you can concentrate fully on your business. 

    Our experienced customs specialists navigate the intricacies of paperwork and data handling for you and offer customs services tailored to your company's specific needs and size.

    Get in contact with our experts

    We have you covered in over 100 countries worldwide

    Essential customs service – well-equipped for international trade

    Our standard package as part of the DB SCHENKER managed transports.

    Key Features:

    • Handling your import and export declarations
    • Managing transit transport procedures
    • Customs Brokerage – handling without shipment ownership

    Added services

    We help you expand across borders with tailor-made solutions. Here are a few examples.

    • Indirect representation
    • Audit support
    • Use of DB SCHENKER deferment accounts
    • Supporting 3rd party brokers
    • Customs warehousing
    • Temporary storage

    Customs advisory

    We can provide you with services around customs trainings, customs webinars and other matters around customs based on customers individual needs. 

    • Customs trainings at customer’s premise​
    • Customs webinars​
    • Customs advisory

    Enjoy the benefits of working with our customs experts

    • Icon Customer Service
      Local Experts

      Own local teams are on site ready to support your business.

    • Small to Large

      No matter the size of your company, we move your business forward.

    • Strong Network

      We have you covered in 30+ countries in Europe and 70+ globally.

    • Customs Training

      Expert customs training courses tailored to your needs.

    • Global Reach

      Our global presence gives you access to experts all over the world.

    Get in contact with our experts

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