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  • DB SCHENKER truck drives on road, through a forest

    Freight Rate Floater

    The availability of freight capacity on the freight market is currently highly volatile, and this has a short-term impact on transport prices. In order to reduce the risk on both sides of the contract and still enable transports to be planned and not be influenced by high fluctuations on the spot market, DB Schenker is introducing a freight rate floater as of October 1, 2023. This is considered to be a "bridge" between daily price inquiries, which are costly to agree, on the one hand, and long-term fixed rates on the other.

    The floating model at Schenker Deutschland AG

    The Transporeon price index for contract rates was selected as a basis for the DB Schenker freight rate floater. For international transports, Transporeon publishes this as a classic index, for national transport in "€ per km". The values are determined monthly and are available immediately after the end of the month. According to Transporeon's information, the index is based on freight transactions concluded via the Transporeon platform (over 100,000 shipments per week).
    The change value is calculated from "monthly value divided by the base value" (commercial rounding to the first decimal place) and is stored accordingly in the system and applied with one month offset.


    The index value of the transport month January is available at the beginning of February and the change value is applied to the March sales.

    The index value of the transport month February is available at the beginning of March and the change value is applied to the April sales.


    The month offset is chosen to allow sufficient time for advance information to customers and to make technical adjustments.

    Transporeon GmbH Transporeon GmbH

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