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  • Ventes/ Grands Comptes

    Business Development Manager, Contract Logistics/SCM

    Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong, Chine
    Niveau de carrière
    Type d'emploi, Type de travail
    Date de publication, ID-Nr.
    , 334338

    Vos tâches

    Business Development

    • To work with China BD team in generating and concluding logistics business opportunities with potential customers. Overall objective of developing robust business development proposals from inception to project implementation with the aim of providing quality and innovative logistics solutions against prescribed deadlines
    • Management and co-ordination of end-to-end business development process:
    • Customer interface with the aim to build good customer/corporate relationships
    • Solution development
    • Pricing / commercial analysis
    • Proposal generation
    • Internal stakeholder liaison and signal
    • Identification of potential customers and building relationships through proactive & reactive business proposals
    • Solution development and deployment in identified opportunity sectors


    • Excellent process, analytical and financial skills
    • Very good understanding of Operations management in Logistics or Manufacturing Environment
    • Very Good understanding of Greater China and International logistics industry trends with specific emphasis on logistical & supply chain concepts
    • Good understanding of supply chain systems (E.g. WMS systems, MRP process tools)
    • Mature, resourceful, self-driven and high degree of professional integrity
    • Ability to work effectively in a customer driven deadline environment
    • Fluent communication skills in English and Chinese
    • Excellent interpersonal skills

    Notre offre

    It is responsible for Logistics business and market development activities in all vertical markets in Greater China, with focus on guangzhou\shenzhen and its surrounding cities.

    ·Successful development and drive supply chain opportunities from initial opportunity creation to establishment of stable operation with the support of existing operational & implementation functions.

    ·In conjunction with Planning & Development stakeholders, the development of market capability across China (geography & sector specific).

    · With other Business Units, identification and delivery of Logistics solution capability, additional the current base, to match current customer & future market needs.

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