1. 25 juni 2024


    Från första juli införs krav på UIT-kod för allt gods till och från Rumänien, som väger över 500 kilo eller har ett värde över 10 000 RON. | Läs mer Läs mer

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  • Legal notice

    This is a website of:

    Schenker AB
    412 97 Göteborg, Sweden

    Visiting address: Mölndalsvägen 83, Göteborg
    Delivery address: Mölndalsvägen 83, 412 85 Göteborg
    Vat no SE 556250-3630
    HQ: Göteborg
    Telephone: +46 31 703 80 00
    Fax: +46 31 703 89 26

    Schenker is a part of DB Logistics, the Transportation and Logistics Division of Deutsche Bahn AG.

    All information on this web site is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied. The information may contain inaccuracies as well as typographical errors. Changes to the information may be made freely by Schenker (the company) at any time without notice. All part of this web site may also be closed down by the company at any time without notice.

    The above mentioned includes information provided to customers using on-line services - including, but not limited to - Track & Trace, on-line booking, traffic timetables and freight cost simulations. Such information is further subject to complete and accurate data having been provided by the customer. The company reserves the right to adjust information provided through this site at all times due to additional data. The company further reserves the right to adjust information regarding prices at all times.

    The company may not be held liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, that may result as a consequence of use or reliance upon information provided herein or on any other web site that may be linked hereto. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of profit, additional costs incurred, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on the users information handling system or any damage thereto.

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