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    Your Procurement Skills Will Shape Our Company’s Profitability

    Do you have the skills, passion and confidence to tender, negotiate and select the right suppliers for the goods and services we need? Are you happy to deal with highly dynamic and fast evolving supply markets and sourcing solutions that will help us to meet exceptionally high service levels at the best possible value?

    If yes, then our procurement department could use you and your skills. Schenker’s Global Procurement is relentlessly helping us to become more efficient and cost effective while constantly ensuring the right quality of our sourced goods and services. And because we’re DB Schenker, we are talking about a global procurement – a procurement organization that reaches the four corners of the world.

    Our procurement department is where teamwork and cross-functional collaboration take our business to new heights. If you are passionate about stakeholder management, negotiations and sourcing strategies and want to join a truly international team, then you should apply to openings in this department.

    Sound interesting to you? Apply away because we’re excited to meet you!

    Are you ready to do this?

    Imagine exciting days where you identify which goods and services our company needs, assess and select vendors, and negotiate price and terms.

    Dark-haired woman with ponytail in casual business attire standing in front of an office window smiling into camera

    This is what working with us is like. You get to stretch your thinking and come up with out-of-the-box solutions that change the way we do things. And the benefits of working with us don't end here. With us, you will get to:

    • Challenge the status quo 
    • Work with dedicated teams
    • Take charge of cost controls and data analysis
    • Be hands-on and shape a global company
    • Build a portfolio that makes a difference in your career 

    Selected Job Offers

    • Leipzig, Saxony, Duitsland

      Speditionskaufmann im Bereich Lademittel (w/m/d)

      Financiën / controlling, Administratief / Beheer, Contractlogistiek/supply chain management, Inkoop, Luchtvracht, Vervoer over land, Zeevracht, Goederenopslag, Douane (CCOE)
      Graduates, Fulltime

      Vacature bekijken
    • Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Duitsland

      Disponent Fernverkehr (w/m/d)

      Administratief / Beheer, Contractlogistiek/supply chain management, Inkoop, Vervoer over land
      Graduates, Fulltime

      Vacature bekijken

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