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  • DB Schenker Global Projects and Industry Solutions Projects Logistics

    Global Project Logistics

    DB Schenker Global Projects and Industry Solutions cover the full range of project freight management and transportation of equipment and material from the suppliers' point of delivery to receipt at the jobsite or any other location where an industrial plant is being built.

    Tailor-made Logistics for Industrial Projects
    Solutions for the big things in life. That is our business. The more complex the requirements for projects and industrial plants, the more the expertise and international competence of DB Schenker comes into play.

    As a global industry leader in logistics, our expert teams bring you the know-how and experience to ensure your project is a success, no matter what the challenges it presents. From the very first concept feasibility studies, through design and construction of infrastructure upgrades to overcome logistics challenges, to freight services by FCL and LCL, break bulk, part and full charters, to organizing cargo surveys, marine and transport engineering for your project, we are able to cover all your needs from start to finish.

    Reach out to our experts with your individual requirements.


    Breakbulk Freight and Transportation in MEA

    950 Freight tons from Cairo to Germany and the US

    The DB Schenker Global Projects and Industry Solutions (GPIS) teams in Cairo and Germany shipped in cooperation with each other 950 tons of machines & equipment for synthetic films from a fabrication yard in Damietta, Egypt to Hamburg, Germany and Norfolk, USA. Our German GPIS team partner Nürmont Installations GmbH & Co. were responsible for the dismantling and re-assembly of used production machines. With the help of our teams expertise, 350 Freight tons of machines were transported to various locations in South Germany as well as 600 Freight tons to Franklin, Kentucky.

    Investing in Port Operations in Romania

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    We invested in a new Gottwald HMK 5506 Mobile Harbor Crane for the Constanta MOL1S Terminal. With an outreach of 51 meters and a lifting capacity of 125 tons, the crane will facilitate increased productivity, better solutions for customers and new opportunities in terms of bulk and heavy lift loads. In 2020, DB Schenker extended the concession with the Romanian Port Authorities for the next 20 years and will invest in lifting equipment, infrastructure, digitalization, and human resources. / DB Schenker

    Nelson Ngai (right) receives AFLAS Award trophy on behalf of DB Schenker

    AFLAS Award for Best Logistics Service Provider – Project Cargo

    DB Schenker was awarded Best Logistics Service Provider - Project Cargo at the 2020 Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain (AFLAS) Awards in Hong Kong. In Asia Pacific our team orchestrated a highly complex project involving the transport of the world’s largest stackers and reclaimer from a fabrication yard in China and Perth to an iron ore mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The parts were transported on three vessels 1,770 kilometers from the Australian Marine Complex in Henderson, Western Australia, to Port Hedland. From there, they were carried by specialized hydraulic heavy transport trailers and trucks on a 350-kilometer road trip to the mine site in the Pilbara desert.

    Goudel Power Plant shipments in Niger

    Goudel Power Plant in Niger

    When the Goudel Power Plant needed large transportation of its shipment from Ghana to Niamey in the Niger, our team in France delivered. The largest items were the engines with dimensions of 12m L x 3m W x 4m H with the heaviest item weighing 218 tons.

    Iron ore mine in Western Australia

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    39,000 kilometers: This is the overall distance travelled by 50 special trucks to transport various parts of machinery from Port Hedland, Australia, to the iron ore mine owned by BHP. The largest and heaviest parts represented the greatest challenge, since these had to be transported overnight. With blocked roads and a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour, it took three nights to reach the mine. In total, 90,000 tons of machinery were transported. / 39,000 kilometers: This is the overall distance travelled by 50 special trucks to transport various parts of machinery from Port Hedland, Australia, to the iron ore mine owned by BHP. The largest and heaviest parts represented the greatest challenge, since these had to be transported overnight. With blocked roads and a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour, it took three nights to reach the mine. In total, 90,000 tons of machinery were transported. / DB Schenker

    Multimodal shipments from Lithuania to the USA

    Multimodal ODC (over dimensional cargo) shipments from Lithuania to the USA

    When a cable factory in Charleston, South Carolina in the USA asked us to deliver a shipment of 23 over dimensional cargo with the largest piece weighing 70 metric tons from Lithuania to the US, our team in Norway delivered. Originating from Klaipeda in Lithuania, the items were shipped via ocean freight charter and when it reached the US a combination of a special wide and lowbed trailer plus barge were used to deliver to deliver to Goose Creek. A floating crane used to discharge onto a special truck for the last mile delivery to the cable factory in Charleston, South Carolina, US.

    Shipments of Power Transmission Cable Drums
    Power Transmission cable drums from France to the UAE / © DB Schenker

    Power Transmission cable drums from France to the UAE

    Successful delivery of two shipments of cable drums for a power transmission project in the UAE. Multimodal transport solutions including, pre-carriage by truck and river barges, port handling, load supervision and ocean vessel chartering were used to transport the shipment from France to Abu Dhabi, UAE.

    Heavy Lift Transport from Europe to the Caribbean
    Heavy lift transport from Hamburg to the Dominican Republic / © DB Schenker

    Heavy Lift Transport from Europe to the Caribbean

    When a power plant in the Dominican Republic needed a 125 tonne generator to be shipped from Hamburg, Germany, our expert teams ensured the shipment was delivered on time. This included shipping from Hamburg to the Port of Rio Haina and discharging at the power to help secure energy supply in Santo Domingo. From design to delivery, our team in Spain managed every detail of this shipment.

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