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    Information regarding damage/loss


    This is the contact page for Schenker Norway AS and claims for transport which Schenker Norway is a part of.

    If damage/loss has occurred, this is how you should proceed:

    • Click here to fill out our online eClaims form.

      Attach the following documentation:

      • Receivers copy of the delivery receipt where the damaged is noted (If applicable)
      • Pictures as documentation of the scope of damage
      • Copy of commercial invoice to verify the value
      • Documentation for the weight of the damaged cargo.

      Damages not classified as total damage will be reimbursed according to scope of damage, price reduction or repair costs.

      Damaged cargo must be kept available until the claim is finalized.

      If you have any questions, please contact us at +47 227 27 400

    • Take immediate contact with our Customer Service,, for tracking and eventual search for the cargo.

      If you have already been in contact with our Customer Service and they have forwarded the case to us, then you can file your claim here at our online form eClaims.

    • All claims must be submitted in writing and must contain a specified amount. By filling out our online claim form here your claim will be submitted.

      Make sure to add the following documentation:

      • Receivers copy of the delivery receipt where the damaged is noted (If applicable)
      • Pictures as documentation of the scope of damage
      • Copy of commercial invoice to verify the value
      • Documentation for the weight of the damaged cargo.

      The invoice address of the Claims Department is:

      Schenker AS
      Postboks 292, Alnabru
      0614 Oslo

      Always provide our waybill number, STT number or our casefile number on the invoice.

      Please provide bank account number and payment reference.

      According to National Legislation, VAT is not reimbursed for companies or self-employed personnel.

    • The transports liability in case of damage/loss/delay is limited in accordance to applicable laws and regulations:

      • Domestic road/rail: 17 SDR pr. kg gross weight
      • Domestic sea: 2 SDR pr. kg gross weight
      • International road/rail: 8,33 SDR pr. kg gross weight
      • International sea: 2 SDR pr. kg gross weight or 667 sdr pr. collo
      • Airfreight: 22 SDR pr. kg gross weight.

      All transports are regulated in accordance to Lov om vegfraktavtaler, CMR, Haag-Visby and Warszaw Convention. Other assignments are regulated within NSAB 2015, except §27c Storage

      General Liability
      Cargo is accepted for transport according to the, at any time, applicable laws, regulations and freight rates.

      Cargo Insurance
      The transport buyer can protect themselves against normal transport risks by purchasing cargo insurance. Schenker AS has the possibility to provide such cargo insurance via a cooperation with an insurance company, but for single shipments only.

      For more information regarding insurance, contact our Booking Department at


    Schenker AS
    Alnabruveien 15
    N -0668 Oslo

    Tlf.: +47 22 72 74 00


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