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    Pierre van Diesen new CEO DB Schenker in Benelux

    As of June 17, Pierre van Diesen will take over the position of CEO at DB Schenker Benelux, succeeding Jaap Bruining. Van Diesen has more than 25 years of management experience in the transport and logistics sector, including over 17 years at DB Schenker. With his strong operational background in Land Transport, he brings comprehensive experience to this position.

    Pierre van Diesen: "The timing of my move into the role of CEO is with mixed feelings, given the recent passing of my predecessor Jaap Bruining. My primary focus will be on ensuring continuity in this dynamic market situation, to maintain stability and further develop our organisation."

    In the Benelux - with around 3,500 employees and 28 strategically located logistics centres and offices - DB Schenker offers fully integrated services in land transport, air freight, ocean freight, fairs & events, special logistics, contract logistics and supply chain management through its global and European network.

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