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    Two days when humanitarian actors gather

    AidEx is the largest international aid and disaster relief event.

    October 25 – 26, 2023

    AidEx is the largest international aid and disaster relief event where international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), governments, and the private sector come together to discuss the challenges they face, the opportunities they have, and how they can improve or adapt humanitarian supply chains. It is the perfect gathering for all individuals working in the humanitarian field, including UN agencies, the EU, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, local and international NGOs, governments, and the private sector.


    AidEx took place at Palexpo in Geneva on October 25 and 26, 2023. We exhibited here for the first time, alongside our team from Healthcare Europe and MEA as well as Ukrainian colleagues. This was the perfect occasion to discuss temperature-controlled and reefer shipments and to showcase our local solutions into Ukraine. 

    Over these two days, participants had the opportunity to attend conferences, explain their core products, exchange ideas about potential local agent partnerships, and gain a better understanding of the challenges in NGO supply chains. 

    • 3,000

      representatives of the humanitarian aid and development community

    • 65

      countries represented

    • 200

      exhibiting organizations from logistics, communications, suppliers, associations, medias

    Discover Aidex

    What's behind 'humanitarian aid'?  

    Although not always well known, the humanitarian aid sector is vast. Initially, there are NGOs, INGOs, and governments that coordinate logistics between suppliers, freight forwarders, and field missions. Among the suppliers, you'll find all basic necessities such as first aid kits, education kits, shelters, blankets, food, vehicles, WASH products (toilets, access to potable water), lighting tools, etc. This comprehensive aid serves as the central marketplace for the community. 

    United Nations building

    Geneva – Capital of Peace

    With over 400 NGOs, 40 international organizations, and 180 permanent missions based in Geneva, it is the perfect place to host such an event. The city is home to one of the largest hubs of the UN system and its busiest center for meetings and conferences, the Palais des Nations. It hosts, each year, over 8,000 meetings mainly focused on human rights, health, and international trade. 

    The Aid and Relief team had the chance to spend a day in Geneva, visiting the UN Headquarters and the ICRC warehouse center located nearby Geneva. 

    Ukraine – Main Topics During the Expo 

    Our Ukraine colleagues joined the Aid and Relief team to discuss the door-to-door transport solutions they offer in Ukraine. In this challenging time for the country, we are pleased to have them with us and to assist them in making connections within the humanitarian world. 

    Watch Video

    Discover the 2023 Aidex after movie:

    Save the date 

    What’s next? Aidex will also take place in Nairobi, Kenya on June 12 and 13, 2024! Interested in coming? Get your ticket AidEx Nairobi ( and stay turned for more information about our presence at this upcoming fair. 

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