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  • Privacy Policy

    Data protection principles for

    The protection of your personal data is important to you. It is also important to us.

    Therefore, on this page, we indicate the data we collect, why we need it and how you can oppose the collection of this data. For us, only one thing matters: Confidentiality must protect people, not data!

    • Thank you for your interest in our company, products and services.

      The purpose of this privacy policy (hereinafter the "Policy") is to provide you with simple, clear information on the processing of personal data concerning you. It describes how we process any data that you provide as a natural person (hereinafter referred to as a "Data Subject") and that we have obtained when you use our products and services through: our website, the website, our associated applications, our customer contact means made available electronically or by post, by telephone or directly from an agency or business premises, involving the processing of personal data by Schenker France SAS, its subsidiaries or any other company, over which it exercises effective management control, including for companies located outside the European Union that are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation. data in accordance with Article 3.1 of this Regulation and which we mention to you in section 2) "Who is responsible for the processing”.

      Please note that our web pages may contain links to other providers that are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

    • The data controller is Schenker France SAS, which determines the purposes and essential means.

      The information indicated in this policy is also applicable to the subsidiaries of Schenker France SAS, which act as data controller:

      • Atlantique Express SAS
      • Air Terminal Handling SAS

      If you have any questions, suggestions and/or comments in connection with data protection, please contact:
      By email:

      Or by post to: Schenker France SAS, for the attention of the Data Protection Officer at the following address: ZA Nord et Gare, 35 rue Paul Henri Goulet, 85600 MONTAIGU-VENDÉE, France

    • In the context of the interactions we have described to you in the "Scope of the Policy" section, you provide us with certain information about yourself, some of which is likely to identify you ("Personal Data").

      The nature and types of Personal Data collected about you vary depending on the relationship you enter into with Schenker France, which we explain below:

      • Identification and contact data: This includes all information that allows us to identify you, such as your surname, first name, email address, postal address, internal processing code allowing the identification of the end customer or supplier, your telephone number in the context of the creation and management of your account or your contact requests or service quotes. We may also collect sound and voice recordings, video, or photos as part of interactions via virtual assistants or video conferencing tools, or at events organized by our company.
      • Personal service preference data: As part of our interactions with you, we collect information about your service preferences through feedback, satisfaction surveys, performance analysis, and purchase histories in order to provide you with services or tools tailored to your needs.
      • Economic and banking data: In the context of economic transactions, the data necessary to process your payment such as the bank card, the payment instrument, the personal security code associated with your bank card for online transactions, a bank account details or any means of paying for services. We may also collect credit history information from credit bureaus, contract credit agencies that we use to help prevent and detect fraud and economic solvency.
      • Data relating to senders and/or recipients: As part of our services, the name and contact details of the sender, the recipient, their delivery address, customer identifiers (the STT number (Schenker track and trace)), their telephone number for making appointments.
      • Background Check Data: In the context of compliance with obligations relating to solvency, due diligence and corruption, we use and process data on unpaid invoices, transactions, economic health obtained from public databases or from networks providing credit and commercial data for the purposes of helping to prevent and detect fraud and prevent creditworthiness.
      • Professional data: As part of the contract management with your supplier companies and/or customers, in addition to the name of your company and the sector of activity, we collect your function and your identification and contact data.
      • Login data: In the context of electronic interactions (websites and apps), we collect information to manage your personal account. In addition, we collect the conversation history of our chatbot, voice and sound recordings via the voice boot.
      • Browsing data and location: This includes browsing history, geolocation data, IP address, trackers and cookies that we detail in the cookie policy below.


    • The collection and processing of personal data is carried out for a variety of purposes in the context of our interaction with you for the following reasons:

      a) For the purposes of managing the contractual relationship with our customers and suppliers, managing payments, managing after-sales service and processing returns or cancellations.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Customer and/or recipient data and Customer or supplier employee data. 
      • The legal basis for this processing is: the performance of the contract and the pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject. 

      b) For the purposes of managing and keeping general accounts.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Data relating to customers and/or recipients, Data of employees, customers or suppliers, Economic and banking data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: compliance with a legal obligation.

      c) For the purpose of virtual assistance for external communication and making contact with customers, prospects and suppliers via the Chatbot and Voicebot as well as its enhancement to better respond to requests.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and contact data, Connection data, Browsing and location data, Customer and/or recipient data, Customer, or supplier employee data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: consent.

      Regarding the Chatbot:
      The website offers a Chatbot feature to support the execution of the contract and provide a more direct way to contact us. For the proper functioning of the Chatbot, certain personal data, consisting of the storage of history, cookies and metadata listed below, must be collected. The processing serves to enable the Chatbot to function and to train it better. The Chatbot works day and night. Therefore, in order to ensure the security of your data, we kindly ask you to refrain from sharing your personal data. We are continuously striving to improve our services, which is why, for quality assurance and to provide you with a better customer experience, the Chatbot content will be stored for training purposes for 16 weeks, after which the data will be anonymized after the first 8 weeks and then deleted. The use of the Chatbot is voluntary. You are free to contact us by other means. The legal basis is Article 6(I)(1)(a) of the GDPR. It is possible to revoke consent at any time with effect in the future by discontinuing communication with the Chatbot or no longer using it. The data processing carried out to date remains unaffected. For more information or to assert your rights under the GDPR, you can also contact us at the email address given in point 2. We do not pass on your personal data to third parties.

      Cookies used by the Chatbot:

      Storage Time
      Save user session information
      Maximum 7 days
      Save user session information
      Maximum 7 days

      Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA; Privacy Policy:

      d) For the purposes of goods declarations, customs declarations, customs clearance and border and customs controls.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and contact data, Customer and/or recipient data, Customer, or supplier employee data.
      • The legal basis for this processing is: the performance of the contract and the pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject.

      e) For the purposes of creating and managing accounts or customer areas made available for the monitoring and management of orders, tracking, preparation, and execution of transport and/or logistics service orders and, collection and delivery.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and contact data, Customer and/or recipient data, customer or supplier employee data.
      • The legal basis for this processing is: the performance of the contract and the pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject.

      f) For the purposes of seeking the good repute of key third parties in the context of the legal obligation to prevent corruption risks, the search for compliance of third parties in the context of the legal duty of vigilance.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are: Background Check Data and Identification and Contact Data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: compliance with a legal obligation.

      g) For the purpose of managing the creditworthiness of customers, prospects and suppliers.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are: Background check data from public sources and from networks providing credit and business data and Identification and Contact Data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: legitimate interest.

      h) For the purposes of managing the security and maintenance of the website.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Connection Data and Browsing and Location Data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: legitimate interest.

      i) For the purpose of electronic marketing of customers

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and contact data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: legitimate interest.

      j) For the purpose of electronic sales prospecting of prospects

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and contact data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: consent.

      k) For the purpose of telephone prospecting of customers and prospects

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and contact data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: legitimate interest.

      l) For the purpose of managing and monitoring customer satisfaction, surveys, satisfaction surveys and studies.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are: Identification and Contact Data, Personal Service Preference Data, Connection Data and Browsing Data.
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: legitimate interest.

      m) For the purpose of participating in competitions.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are as follows: Identification and contact data 
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: consent.

      n) For the purpose of managing conferences, training courses, conventions and online or face-to-face meetings with our clients, suppliers or partners taken on the occasion of the events, including recordings of speakers and moderators. Photographs and video recordings may be published on the Internet, on social media and possibly in the print media.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and Contact Data, Login Data and Browsing Data. 
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: consent.

      You can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. To prevent other attendees from seeing your name in the meeting during the event, we recommend using your initials. In addition, we recommend that you do not share confidential content through the chat feature of the messaging and conferencing software.

      o) For the purpose of video surveillance in warehouses goods and vehicle fleets for the protection of goods, employees, customers, potential customers and other contractual partners as well as for the prevention and prosecution of criminal offences, obtaining evidence when an offence is committed, processing insurance files and customer claims. In no case is it intended to monitor the conduct or performance of employees.

      • The data we collect for this purpose are the following: Identification and Contact Data, Login Data and Browsing Data. The cookies that we place during the interaction are indicated in the cookie policy.  
      • The legal basis on which this processing is based is: legitimate interest.


    • Your data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected (e.g. in the context of a contractual relationship) or if this is provided for by law (legal obligation) or on the recommendation of the supervisory authorities. For example, we will store your data within the framework of a contractual relationship at least until the contract has been terminated in full. Thereafter, the data will be kept for the duration of the legal, tax or accounting retention period.

      Your data should also be deleted if its storage is not allowed (especially if the data is inaccurate and it is not possible to correct it). If legal or practical obstacles prevent deletion, the data is blocked (e.g. specific archiving obligations).

    • You may exercise, under the conditions and limits provided for by the Applicable Regulations, the following rights over your personal data:

      • Right of access and information: You have the right to be informed in a concise, transparent, understandable, and easily accessible manner about how your personal data is processed. You also have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning you is being processed or not and, if so, to access such data by requesting a copy of it.
      • Right to rectification: you have the right to obtain that your personal data that is incomplete and/or inaccurate is rectified and/or completed.
      • Right to withdraw your consent: If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
      • Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your particular situation.

      In some cases, the exercise of this right will not be possible, for example if there are legitimate and compelling reasons, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

      • Right to portability: you have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to Schenker France in order to be able to transmit them to another data controller. This right only applies if the processing of your personal data is based on your consent or on the performance of a contract and this processing is carried out by automated processes.
      • Right to restriction of the processing of your data: in certain cases, you have the right to obtain a restriction of the processing of your personal data. This right allows you to request to temporarily freeze the use of some of your data, if the conditions provided for by law are met.
      • Right to erasure: In some cases, you have the right to obtain the erasure of your personal data (e.g. if the personal data is too old and no longer necessary).
      • Right to human intervention in your profiling or automated decision-making: When profiling or automated decision-making is carried out, you can request human intervention in this analysis.
      • Right to give "post-mortem" directives: you have the right to define directives relating to your personal data in the event of death.

      If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, you should send the corresponding request to: 
      By email:
      Or by post to the following address: 
      Schenker France, for the attention of the Data Protection Officer, ZA Nord and Gare, 35 rue Paul Henri Goulet, 85600 MONTAIGU-VENDEE, France.

      Similarly, for any request or complaint concerning the processing of your personal data, you can contact:

      In the absence of a response or if a dispute persists, you may in any event lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (“la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés” (CNIL) in France).

      For inquiries or other questions about rights of use or requests for cancellation with regard to data processing on social networks, we recommend that you contact the respective social network directly, as only these have full access to your user data. If you no longer wish to use the data processing described here in the future, by using the functions "I no longer like this page" and/or "Unsubscribe from this page", you can unblock your user profile from our website.

    • Schenker France takes technical and organizational measures to ensure security against loss, destruction, alteration, access or unauthorized disclosure of personal data throughout the entire period of processing. The following are taken into account in the determination of these measures:

      • the severity and likelihood of possible harm that may result from the loss, alteration and/or unauthorized access to the Data;
      • the characteristic elements of the Processing concerned;
      • where applicable, the results of the Data Protection Impact Assessment conducted.

      Schenker France has adopted an Information System Security Policy (ISSP) which details all the technical and organizational security measures implemented in accordance with the GDPR such as encryption, pseudonymization, secure access, authentication processes, backup copies, software, etc. In addition, it ensures that any Data breach is handled properly in accordance with a dedicated policy.

    • Communication may be necessary:

      • For freight forwarding and customs clearance purposes, to our affiliated transport operators, freight forwarders or DB Schenker Group offices;
      • For the purposes of credit assessments prior to the conclusion of the contract through contractual credit agencies;
      • For customer support purposes by telephone;
      • Where contact forms are used for customer dialogue, we may send data to the relevant group entities.
      • In the event of irregular payments or non-payment, we may send receivables data to a debt collection agency.

      We may be required to communicate your data:

      • To entities/subsidiaries of the DB Group in the context of the performance of contracts,
      • Duly authorized public authorities (customs, judicial, etc.) in the context of legal and regulatory obligations,
      • To service providers and subcontractors that we use to carry out a set of operations and tasks on our behalf, such as subcontractors, audit firms, lawyers, bailiffs, IT service providers, customer services, etc.

      The external service providers commissioned by us to process the data are carefully selected and subject to a strict contractual obligation, e.g. by means of strict technical and organizational measures and additional controls. Your data will only be communicated if a lawful basis is applicable.

      Personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside the EU or EEA, or to an international organization, unless appropriate safeguards are in place.

      In the event that we transfer your data to countries that are not covered by Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs), we put in place the framework mechanisms provided for in Chapter V of the GDPR. 
      For international transfers to the United States, we make sure to choose service providers that have been self-certified to the competent authorities in the United States in accordance with the adequacy decision adopted on July 10, 2023 by the European Commission noting that the United States provides a level of protection substantially equivalent to that of the European Union.

    • We want to offer you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, unless these are not strictly necessary for the technical functioning of the website.

      Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.

      The aim of our data protection policy is to ensure that you are fully informed about the collection and processing of data, also when our websites use cookies, and that you can make a well-informed decision accordingly.

      We therefore provide you with information here on the nature and scope of the intended use of cookies on our websites.

      The use of is generally possible without cookies, as these do not have a technical purpose. You can prevent tracking by cookies by changing your browser settings (Do Not Track, Track Protection List) or prevent third-party cookies from being stored. You can change your browser settings as follows:

      We also regularly recommend checking and deleting cookies that are stored if they are not wanted.

      We use cookies that are active from the beginning of your visit to our website until the end of the respective browser session. These cookies automatically expire and are deleted as soon as you close your internet browser. These cookies are also known as "session cookies". Session cookies are used in the following areas:

      1. The cookie identifies the user after logging in for the duration of the active session.
      2. The cookie ensures that once the language has been selected, it is saved and applied for the duration of the active session and that it remains available to the user when browsing between pages.
      3. The purpose of the cookie is to protect data and to prevent the manipulation, access and transmission of data and content to other systems by third parties.
      Storage time
      Saves the user's session information
      As long as the session is active: maximum 10 hours
      User identification and analytics tracking (anonymous)
      13 months
      Used to distinguish users
      2 years
      Used to distinguish users
      24 hours
      Used to speed up the request rate
      60 seconds
      Eloqua tracking
      13 months
      Save user session information
      Maximum 7 days
      Save user session information
      Maximum 7 days


    • On this website, we use Adobe Analytics, a web analytics service of Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited (Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland).

      By using this service, we want to ensure that our website meets our requirements and is continuously optimized. We use this analytics service to obtain usage statistics that we then evaluate to optimize the content of our site. 

      Adobe Analytics uses cookies valid for 24 months that are stored on your device and allow an analysis of your use of this website.

      The information generated by the cookie is sent to an Adobe server based in the European Union and stored on that server. Since we have activated a procedure for anonymizing your IP address on the site, it is truncated beforehand. Adobe uses this information to evaluate your use of the site for us, to compile reports on site activity, and to provide us with other services related to site usage and internet usage. In this way, we can find out which sections and texts are read and accessed on our website, how often and whether the design of our website has an influence on the extent of its use. The statistics obtained allow us to improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user.

      This information is transmitted to us by Adobe exclusively in the form of aggregated data on the general use of the website. This data is not personal and cannot be attributed to a specific person.

      All our service providers are contractually obligated to process your personal data in strict compliance with applicable regulations.
      The legal basis for the use of Adobe Analytics is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

      You can object to the creation of pseudonymous user profiles at any time. You have several options for this:

      1. You can object to Adobe Analytics processing by clicking on the link below to disable the cookie in your browser.
      2. Click here to object to Adobe Analytics processing.
      3. You can also prevent the storage of cookies used for profiling by selecting the appropriate settings for the browser software you are using.

      Please note that if you delete the cookies on your device, the opt-out cookie is also deleted and you will therefore have to renew your objection.

    • On our website, we use the Matomo analytics service. Small text files (cookies) store data about how you use our website, including your IP address. This data is anonymized and stored with us. If you do not wish to accept the analysis of your use of our website, you can change your browser settings at any time to prevent the use of cookies. In this case, not all functions can be used.

      You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the data you view. This will protect your privacy but will not allow the site owner to learn from your actions and thus improve the service to you and other users.

      Uncheck this box to remove yourself from the device.

    • has integrated the Oracle Eloqua / Oracle Marketing Cloud (hereinafter "Eloqua") components on this site. Eloqua combines relevant website content with data from interested parties, customers and their profiles, to enable website operators to approach stakeholders and customers in a more efficient and targeted manner. Eloqua's goal is to increase the conversion rate of interested parties into customers and thus increase the turnover of a website operator.

      The operating company of Eloqua is Oracle Corporation, 10 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.

      Eloqua installs a cookie on the computer system of the data subject. On behalf of, Eloqua will use the data and information obtained from our website to evaluate the user behavior of our website. In addition, Eloqua will use the data to create user activity reports, as well as other services related to the use of our website, for our company.

      As mentioned above, the user can prevent the installation of cookies through our website at any time by means of a setting in the Internet browser used. Such a setting of the internet browser would also prevent Oracle from setting a cookie on the data subject's IT system. In addition, cookies already set by Oracle can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs. To avoid the installation of cookies, please see:

    • Our pages contain social media plug-ins that allow you to recommend our content to others. This gives you the opportunity to interact with social media and other users. When you visit our web pages, you may find grayed out images of the relevant functions instead of the actual plug-ins, as these will not have been activated when the web page loads. By clicking on the image, the plug-in is activated, and you will be redirected to the relevant social network. The data flow that appears at this time is the responsibility of the respective social network. As the provider of our pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data processed by the social network or the processing operation. The legal basis for the use of plug-ins is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

    • integrates Google Maps. In addition to the login data, your IP address will be transmitted to Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

      The corresponding privacy policy is available at

      On the site, you can adjust your settings to protect your privacy.

    • We adapt the privacy policy according to changes in functionality. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Privacy Policy at regular intervals.

    Updated : 14/06/2024

    Consent to use Cookies and collect data

    We use cookies in order to optimize our website and continually improve it. By continuing your visit to this site, you accept the use of cookies. You can find more information on this subject in our privacy policy.

  • Consent to use Cookies and collect data

    We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, which are not mandatory for the technical functions of the website. Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.

    Our privacy policy is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of the collection and processing of data, including through the use of cookies through our sites, and that you can make a decision that is appropriately informed. However you can change your cookie settings at any time.

    Please find further information within our data privacy policy.