1. Important 17 Sep 2024

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  • Privacy Policy

    Data protection principles for dbschenker.com

    The protection of your personal data is important to you - and for us as well. 

    Because of that, we will inform you on this page about which data we collect, why we need this data and how you can contradict the data collection. 

    • Schenker AG is the party responsible for collecting and processing your data. The appointed data protection officer is Mr. Maik Goehrke. If you have any questions, suggestions and/or criticism in relation to data protection, please contact: 

      Schenker AG
      Maik Goehrke
      Kruppstraße 4 
      45128 Essen


    • All data collection and processing is performed for specific purposes. These may result from technical necessities, contractual requirements, or explicit customer requests. For technical reasons, certain data might be collected and stored during a visit to dbschenker.com. As for example the date and duration of the visit, the web pages used, the identification data of the browser and operating system type used, and the website from which you visit us.

      If you register for one of our newsletter, the following required information is collected: Salutation, first name, last name, E-Mail address, industry you are working in.
      In this case, we may use your e-mail address for promotional purposes.

      If you sign up for our newsletter “logistics NewsFeed”, we save the IP address of the computer system assigned to you by your Internet service provider (ISP) and the date and time of registration. We save this data to track (potential) abuse of the email address of a data subject, for our own legal protection. You can deregister from the newsletter at any time under unsubscribe "logistics NewsFeed" or by clicking the deregister link at the end of your newsletter.
      If you object to the promotional use of your data, your data will only be used anonymized, for statistical analysis purposes.

      To continuously improve our offerings, we save and analyze usage data from the online area on a pseudonymized basis. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

      To the extent that we request consent to process your personal data, it serves as the legal basis according to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.

      For processing of personal data required to fulfill a contract with you, the contract is the legal basis according to Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. Article 6(1)(b) GDPR also applies to processing operations that are required to execute preliminary measures, for example, if you ask about our products or services.

      If our company is subject to legal demands that require us to process personal data, for example, to fulfill tax responsibilities, then processing is based on Article 6(1)(c) GDPR.

      If you click on a link to an external page, you will move outside the pages of dbschenker.com. Schenker AG is therefore not responsible for the content, services or products offered on the linked website and also for the privacy and technical safety on the linked website.

    • Your data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected (e.g. within the framework of a contractual relationship). Your data must also be deleted if it is not permissible to store them (particularly if the data are inaccurate and correction is not possible). Where legal or practical obstacles prevent deletion, the data are blocked (e.g. special archiving obligations).

    • The transmission of data and emails via the internet is generally unencrypted, and is therefore unprotected against third-party access. When you contact us by email, the confidentiality of the information provided cannot be guaranteed during the transmission; we therefore recommend that confidential information should be sent exclusively by letter.

      • You can request information about what data is stored about you.
      • You may request rectification, deletion and limitation of the processing (blocking) of your personal data as long as this is legally permissible and possible within the framework of an existing contractual relationship
      • You have the right to appeal to a supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for the Schenker AG is: Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen Kavalleriestrasse 2-4, 40213 Duesseldorf 
      • You have the right to transfer the data that you have provided us on the basis of a consent or a contract (data portability).
      • If you have given us consent for data processing, you can revoke it at any time in the same way that you have granted it. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing due to the consent until the revocation.
      • To exercise your rights, send an email to: dataprotection@dbschenker.com

    • For the execution of the contract, the activation of instructions-dependent processors is usually a must, such as data center operators, printing or shipping service providers or other parties involved in the performance of the contract.

      External service providers, who process data for us, are carefully selected by us and are strictly contractually obligated. The service providers work according to our instructions, which is ensured by strict contractual regulations, by technical and organisational measures and by supplementary controls.

      Furthermore, your data will only be transmitted if you have given us your express consent or because of a legal regulation.

      Transmission to third countries outside the EU/EEA or to an international organisation shall not take place unless there are adequate guarantees. These include the EU standard contractual clauses and an adequacy decision of the European Commission.

    • We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, unless these are not strictly necessary for the technical functioning of the website. 

      Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be saved. Our data protection notice is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of data collection and processing, even where our web pages use cookies, and that you can make a correspondingly informed decision.

      We therefore inform you here about the type and scope of the intended use of cookies on our web pages. The use of dbschenker.com/global is generally possible without cookies, unless these do not serve for technical purposes.

      You can prevent tracking by cookies by changing your browser settings or prevent third-party cookies from being saved. You can change your browser settings as follows: 

      We also recommend regularly checking and deleting the cookies that are saved, where they are not specifically desired. 

      We use cookies that are active from the start of your visit to our website until the end of the respective browser session. These cookies are automatically invalid and deleted as soon as you close your internet browser. These cookies are also known as "session cookies". Session cookies are used in the following areas:

      • The cookie identifies the user when visiting the website for the duration of the active session.
      • The cookie ensures that once the language has been selected, it is retained and applied for the duration of the active session, and continues to be provided to the user when they change between pages.
      • The cookie serves for data security, and prevents data and content from being manipulated, accessed, and transmitted to other systems by third parties.



      Storage time


      Saves user session information 

      as long as the session is active, max 10 hours 


      Identifys user and tracks analytics data (anonymized)

      13 months


      Used to distinguish users

      2 years


      Used to distinguish users

      24 hours


      Used to throttle request rate

      60 seconds


      Google advertising cookie used for user tracking and ad targeting purposes



      These cookies are created by Google DoubleClick and are used to show personalized advertisements (ads) based on previous visits to our website.

      18 month


      Encrypted Facebook ID and Browser ID

      3 months


      Facebook cookie to improve performance (display size)

      7 days


      URL of last first Facebook page



      URL of last visited Facebook page



      Facebook cookie (if) URL of external referral website



      Facebook cookie Browser identification and timestamp

      2 years


      Facebook cookie


      Facebook cookie Yes/No

      90 days


      Facebook cookie Chat state



      Facebook cookie Browser identification and timestamp

      spin Session Facebook cookie

      2 years


      Facebook cookie Session ID

      90 days


      Browser ID cookie

      Current Session


      LinkedIn Ad analytics

      6 months


      LinkedIn Ad analytics

      6 months


      LinkedIn Ad analytics

      6 months



      LinkedIn Ad analytics

      6 months


      Eloqua tracking

      13 months


      LinkedIn Browser ID cookie

      1 year


      LinkedIn Browser ID cookie


      LinkedIn Browser ID cookie


      LinkedIn Browser ID cookie


      LinkedIn Browser ID cookie


      LinkedIn routing cookie

      1 day


      LinkedIn routing cookie


      LinkedIn routing cookie


      LinkedIn routing cookie


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      1 day


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      60 days


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      6 months


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      2 years


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      2 years


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      2 years


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      2 years


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      2 years


      Google cookie. These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.

      2 years


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months


      cookie that tracks interaction on website after someone has clicked on a bing ad

      13 months

    • This website uses Adobe Analytics, a web analysis service from Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited (Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland). By using this analysis service, we aim to ensure that our website is designed to meet the requirements and is continually being optimized. We also use the analysis service to statistically record the use of our website which we evaluate in order to optimize our content.

      Adobe Analytics uses cookies with a lifetime of 24 months which are stored on your end-user device and enable your use of the website to be analysed.

      The information generated by the cookie is transferred to and stored on an Adobe server in the European Union. Prior to this, since a procedure for anonymizing your IP address is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened. Adobe will use this information in order to evaluate for us your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to carry out additional services, on our behalf, relating to use of the website and the internet. This enables us to assess how often different sections and texts on our web pages are read, and whether or not our website design influences the extent of website usage. The statistics obtained enable us to improve our content and make it more interesting for you as a user.

      Adobe shares this information with us exclusively as aggregate data showing general site usage. This data has no personal content and cannot be traced back to an individual.

      Our service providers are contractually obliged to handle your data in accordance with privacy requirements.

      The legal basis for the use of Adobe Analytics is Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR.

      You can opt out of the creation of pseudonymized user profiles at any time. There are several ways of doing this:

      1.) You can opt out Adobe Analytics by clicking the following link to place the deactivation cookie in your browser:

      Click here to opt-out from Adobe Analytics

      Button_Change_Consent (global)

      2.) You can also prevent storage of the cookies used for creating profiles by setting your browser software accordingly.

      Please note: if you delete the cookies on your device, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted so you will need to reactivate your opt-out.

    • dbschenker.com has integrated Oracle Eloqua / Oracle Marketing Cloud components (hereafter "Eloqua") on this website. Eloqua matches relevant website content to data from interested parties, customers and their profiles, in order to allow website operators to address interested parties and customers more effectively and in a more targeted manner. The purpose of Eloqua is to increase the conversion rate of interested parties into customers and thus to increase the turnover of a website operator.

      The operating company of Eloqua is the Oracle Corporation, 10 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.

      Eloqua sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. Eloqua, on behalf of the dbschenker.com, will use the data and information obtained through our website to evaluate the user behavior of the data subject who has used our website. In addition, Eloqua will use the data to create user activity reports on behalf, as well as other services for our company related to the use of our website.

      The affected person can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as shown above, at any time by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used and thus permanently contradict the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent Oracle from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the person concerned. In addition, cookies already set by Oracle can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs. To prevent the setting of cookies please visit: https://www.oracle.com/de/marketingcloud/opt-status.html

    • dbschenker.com embeds Google Maps. If you give your consent, in addition to log data, your IP address is transmitted to the Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.  
      The relevant privacy policy can be found at https://www.google.com/intl/en_policies/privacy/.

      On the site https://policies.google.com/technologies/product-privacy?hl=en&gl=en you can make settings for your privacy.

    • 1) The party responsible for processing of personal data

      Schenker AG is the party responsible for the processing of your data. The appointed data protection officer is Mr. Maik Goehrke. If you have any questions, suggestions and/or criticism in relation to data protection, please contact: 

      Schenker AG
      Maik Goehrke
      Kruppstraße 4 
      45128 Essen


      2) Which data do we collect and why do we process the data?

      Fan pages on Social Media 
      You can find us in various social media with their own appearance. In this way, we would like to provide you with a broad, multimedia offer and exchange ideas with you on important topics for you. In addition to the respective provider of a social network, we also collect and process personal user data on fan pages. This notice also informs you of what information we collect from you on our social media appearances, how we use them, and how you may object to our use of the data. The respective data processing purposes and data categories can be found in the respective offer, which is detailed below. The activities carried out by us and described in more detail below in social media are based on a balance of interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

      A) Facebook

      On the DB Schenker Group channel, we present our company on Facebook. If you visit our fan page, Facebook Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, D2 Dublin, Ireland collects, stores and processes your personal information in accordance with its privacy policy. The privacy policy can be found here

      In addition, processing of personal data by us takes place only to a very limited extent. 
      For the purpose of the needs-oriented design and continuous optimization of our pages, we use the statistics service Facebook Insights. This service records your activity on our site and makes it available to us in anonymised statistics. This gives us insights amongst others on the activity of our fan page visitors, the clicks of our page, the range of posts, clicks and average duration of video playback, information from which countries and cities our visitors come from, as well as statistics on the gender relations of our visitors.

      Conclusions on individual users and access to individual user profiles by the administrator are not possible.

      More information about Facebook Insights can be found here.

      Regarding the processing of Insights data, there is a shared responsibility between Facebook and us. Details are provided in the Joint Controller Addendum, which you can find here.

      Facebook Ireland provides the essence of the page insights supplement to affected persons.
      In addition, we store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be tracked if necessary for proof of legal disputes within the limitation period.
      In addition, we do not store and process personal data about you, with the exception of an online competition. In an online competition, the winners will be publicly marked with their username and asked to contact each other within 14 days via email. The winners must send their name and address so that the prize can be sent. These data are processed by us exclusively for the purpose of processing the online competition. For the online competition the respective terms of conditions of participation apply. The e-mails with the addresses are always deleted after 30 days, as long as they are not needed beyond that for the winning notification.

      B) Instagram

      The most beautiful pictures from the media library are posted on the DB Schenker channel, showing users the work of the various business units. The focus is on ecology and sustainability, innovation and technology as well as strengthening the employer brand, with a focus on all business areas. Likewise cross-media contents are published.

      If you visit our fan page, personal data will be stored and processed by Instagram, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, D2 Dublin, Ireland as an Instagram provider in accordance with Instagram's Privacy Policy. The privacy policy can be found here.
      In addition, processing of personal data by us takes place only to a very limited extent. 

      For the purpose of the needs-oriented design and continuous optimization of our pages, we use the statistics service Instagram Insights. This service records your activity on our site and makes it available to us in anonymised statistics. This gives us insights about the interactions of our fan page visitors, the clicks of our page, the reach of posts, information about our followers' activity, as well as information from which countries and cities our visitors come from, as well as statistics on the gender relations of our visitors. Conclusions on individual users and access to individual user profiles by the administrator are not possible.

      In addition, we store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be tracked if necessary for proof of legal disputes within the limitation period.
      In addition, we do not store and process personal data about you, with the exception of an online competition and Fan posts. In an online competition, the winners will be publicly marked with their username and asked to contact each other within 14 days via E-Mail. The winners must send their name and address so that the prize can be sent. These data are processed by us exclusively for the purpose of processing the online competitions. For online competitions the respective terms of conditions of participation apply. The e-mails with the addresses are always deleted after 30 days, as long as they are not needed beyond that for the winning notification.

      We ask users, after we have publicly and without obligation, asked for permission to repost their pictures on the Instagram channel DB Schenker. The declaration of consent will be saved by us as a screenshot and the image as a file with details of the user. The photos and consent form will be stored as long as the photo is posted on the channel or until the consent is revoked. The reposted photo is being stored on the Instagram server for technical reasons [Facebook Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, D2 Dublin, Ireland]. A revocation is possible at any time (see below for details). In the case of cancellation, the image and the user's details are deleted immediately.

      C) Twitter

      The Twitter channel @DBSchenker is used for events, press and public relations on all topics of our company.
      If you visit our Channel, which stores and processes Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, as the operator of Twitter personal information, to the extent described in the Privacy Policy. 

      The privacy policy can be found here.

      In addition, we do not store and process personally identifiable information about you. Just in case you send us a direct message, the user name will be saved.

      In addition, we store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be tracked if necessary for proof of legal disputes within the limitation period.

      3) Are data disclosed to third parties?

      For the provision of our offer usually the involvement of instruction-dependent processors is required, such as data center operators, printing or shipping service providers or other parties. 
      External service providers who process data for us on behalf of us are carefully selected by us and contractually strictly committed. The service providers work according to our instructions, which is ensured by strict contractual arrangements, by technical and organizational measures and by additional controls.
      Moreover, your data will only be transmitted if you have given us an express consent or as a result of statutory provisions.
      We point out that when processing through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter data of users may be processed outside the territory of the European Union. This may result in risks for the users because e.g. enforcement of user rights could be made more difficult. For details, please refer to the privacy policy of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With respect to US providers certified under the Privacy Shield, we point out that they are committed to upholding the EU's privacy standards.
      We do not transfer data to third countries outside the EU / EEA or to an international organization unless there are adequate safeguards. These include the EU standard contractual clauses and an adequacy decision by the European Commission.

      4) When will your data be deleted?

      If we have collected personal data from you, we only store it for as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose for which it was collected (eg in the context of a contractual relationship) or if this is provided for by law. Thus, we save your data in the framework of a contractual relationship at least until the complete termination of the contract. Subsequently, the data will be kept for the duration of the statutory retention period.

      5) What rights do users have?

      • You can request information about what data is stored about you.
      • You may request rectification, deletion and limitation of the processing (blocking) of your personal data as long as this is legally permissible and possible within the framework of an existing contractual relationship
      • You have the right to appeal to a supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for the Schenker AG is: Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen Kavalleriestrasse 2-4, 402013 Duesseldorf 
      • poststelle@ldi.nrw.de
      • You have the right to transfer the data that you have provided us on the basis of a consent or a contract (data portability).
      • If you have given us consent for data processing, you can revoke it at any time in the same way that you have granted it. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing due to the consent until the revocation.
      • You may object to the processing of data for reasons that arise from your particular situation, if the processing of data is based on our legitimate interests.
      • You can contradict the advertising approach at any time with effect for the future (advertising contradiction).

      To exercise your rights, send an email to: dataprotection@dbschenker.com

      With regard to data processing on social networks, we recommend that you respond to requests such as: for information or other questions about user rights, to apply directly to the respective social network for a cancellation request, since only Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have full access to your user data. If you no longer wish to use the data processing described here in the future, by using the functions "I do not like this page anymore" and / or "Unsubscribe from this page" you can unblock your user profile from our site.

      With regard to the processing of personal data via the service "Insights" offered by Facebook, Facebook has assumed the primary responsibility. This concerns the processing of Insights data and the implementation of the data subject rights. Therefore, please contact Facebook directly regarding all obligations under the GDPR with regard to the processing of Insights data. We will forward your inquiries to us on Facebook.

      6) New functions, updating of the Privacy Policy

      We adapt the privacy policy to changed functionalities or changed legal situations. Therefore, we recommend that you read the privacy policy at regular intervals. If your consent is required or parts of the privacy policy contain provisions of the contractual relationship with you, the changes will only be made with your consent.

      Updated: 20.12.2018

    New functions, updating the privacy policy

    We adapt the privacy policy to changed functionalities. Therefore, we recommend to read the privacy policy when you visit the new version of dbschenker.com/global

    Updated: December 18th, 2019

    Consent to use Cookies and collect data

    We use first party cookies and similar technologies to ensure that you get the best possible experience on our website. Cookies provide us with statistics to adjust and optimize the setting and content of this website to your interests and to place relevant advertisement by using first and third parties, too. By clicking "Allow all Cookies" you accept the processing of your data and its transfer to first and third parties. By clicking "Reject Tracking" you will only accept the necessary cookies for the operation of this website. 

    You can find more details regarding the use and purpose of cookies, including first and third-party cookies, in our cookie settings. You can reject the use of cookies and other technologies and withdraw your consent any time with future effect by deactivating the respective code category in the cookie settings. You can find more information regarding these settings and the processing of your data in our privacy policy.

  • Cookies and tracking scripts

    We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, which are not mandatory for the technical functions of the website. Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.

    Our privacy policy is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of the collection and processing of data, including through the use of cookies through our sites, and that you can make a decision that is appropriately informed. However you can change your cookie settings at any time.

    Please find further information within our data privacy policy.