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  • Facility Management

    Real Estate Executive

    Thailand, Thajsko
    Career Level
    Typ pracovního poměru, Typ pracovní pozice
    Full time
    Datum vydání, ID-Nr.
    , 310868

    Vaše úkoly

    Real Estate Executive - Mekong
    Based in Thailand, the Real Estate Executive will have portfolio accountability for Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia and provide management support for the Vietnam portfolio, comprising about 30 assets across the 4 countries.
    * Formulate country strategy for Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia in line with Business priorities
    * Location analysis and preparation of data and investment memoranda for management decisions
    * Maintain Landlord relationships for managed portfolio
    * Manage rental projects, including negotiation of commercial and technical parameters
    * Develop and maintained a lease database and manage vendor partners to enable a timely, comprehensive and updated responses to Business requirements
    * Liaise with Landlord on RE-related site concerns
    * Drive RE initiatives to achieve Schenker's sustainability targets
    * Responsible for data management of the real estate portfolio incl. set up of reports; Data Quality target >95%
    * Provide FM support via management of vendors and KPIs


    * Minimum 5 years relevant experience
    * Expert knowledge of transaction & real estate management
    * Facilities management and project management experience is an advantage
    * Proficiency in Thai and English is a must

    Naše nabídka

    GREM partners on a worldwide basis with the operational units to drive the property portfolio of the Schenker Group. This includes leasehold acquisitions & disposals, freehold acquisitions & disposals, construction of sites and the management of facility services.

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