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  • Person holding a phone which shows visualized data in front of a machine
    • Global Markets


    Providing you with comprehensive electronics supply chain solutions for a connected and digital world.

    Reliability for a changing market

    Nothing is probably as big as inter-connected, or fast-moving as the electronics markets. Navigating your way and finding the best electronics supply chain solution requires an expert – like us. We understand the many nuances and challenges of this market. It’s what makes us the ideal partner for all stages of your electronics supply chain. Enjoy more value-added services and optimized processes with the global logistics provider that leading electronics companies turn to. 

    Our industry know-how

    Two women working in a factory assembling electronic devices

    Customized solutions

    Our solutions are designed to optimize your global value chains. Our multi-party platforms bring all competency areas together for improved planning, reduced costs, lower emissions, and faster speed to your markets anywhere in the world.

    Young man in yellow DB Schenker jacket standing in front of a row of trucks

    Transport and contract logistics

    Benefit from our advanced transportation network and flexible range of intermodal transport solutions. We offer managing VMI hubs for OEMs close to manufacturing sites for JIT replenishment, as well as comprehensive fulfillment solutions. Optimal, end-to-end visibility and a global team of specialists ensure safe, fast, secure, and reliable delivery.

    Printer printing an image in front of a woman who is looking at a big screen

    Industry expertise

    Profit from our in-depth knowledge of the electronics and high-tech industry. We work closely with you to develop customized strategies to optimize your consumer electronics, cloud computing, or telecommunication and network supply chains. Our global team of experts offers innovative and responsive logistics solutions for greater and more sustainable value-added services.

    Person typing on a laptop keyboard while holding a tablet in the other hand

    End-to-end visibility

    Our innovative connect2track system offers you seamless, 24/7 tracking of your products worldwide. Based on our own IoT platform, connect2track ensures maximum visibility and condition monitoring with real-time updates, tracking and logging devices, as well as enhanced security measures.

    Contact our electronics experts

    +43 664 88600123

    We offer dedicated electronics solutions based on strong international networks

    1. 1

      Electronics warehouse space used in 2021

      More than 2,000,000 m2 of our warehouse space is used for electronics, equivalent to a surface area of 178,000,000 smartphones.

    2. 2

      Electronics transported in 2021

      We’ve transported more than 165,000 tons of electronics for our customers, equivalent to the weight of about 25,000,000 monitors.

    3. 3

      Electronics shipped in 2021

      Our customers chose to transport 76,000 TEUs of electronics with us by ocean freight, equivalent to 122,000,000 server units.

    Our electronics brochure

    Download our informative brochure and find your optimal solution.

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