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    CBP Automates CBP Form 6051D for Cargo Detention

    Effective January 27, 2024, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has automated CBP Form 6051D to facilitate the management of cargo detentions.

    If CBP decides to detain a shipment, including detentions under the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), they issue a CBPF 6051D. Previously this was entirely manual, but use of the postal system slowed delivery of hard copies for this time-sensitive process.

    CBP can now generate an electronic form in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) platform. If the importer of record has an ACE portal account AND selected “portal” as one of the options for mode of communication, the importer will receive this form electronically in their account. Otherwise, CBP will continue to mail a hard copy to the importer.

    Importers can upload documentation and submit a response via ACE Forms in the portal. CBP can then review and process the importer’s response.

    While cargo detentions are rare, the automation of the CBPF 6051D will enhance process management when a detention occurs.

    CBP has provided a trade information notice on its website with further details.

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