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  • Zmluvná Logistika/Riadenie Dodávateľského Reťazca

    Warehouse Supervisor I


    Salt Lake City, Utah, Spojené štáty

    Career Level
    Stáž | Absolventi | Profesionáli | Pracujúci Študent | Manažment a Riadiaci pracovníci
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Trvalý pracovný pomer
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 569152
    * Establish and maintain warehouse operational infrastructure. * Develop and maintain ISO level operation guidelines and metrics. * Develop and monitor productivity standards. * Develop and maintain efficient, cost effective operations layout. * Establish and maintain daily operating schedules. * Coordinate daily cycle counts. * Develop and maintain an internal training center within operation. * Present facility operations to prospective customers. * Ensure a safe working environment through consistent practice of safety programs and procedures. * Select and place staff, ensure staff receives training for job activities, and define specific job assignments. * Manage performance to ensure required levels of productivity and achievement of organizational objectives.
    * This is a supervisory position. * Strong interpersonal and analytical skills required. * Bachelor’s degree or equivalent preferred. * Generally prefer 0-2 years of related supervisory experience.



    We offer a number of plans for a variety of health care services and supplies, including preventative care, inpatient and outpatient services and prescription drugs.


    The option for separate vision coverage for eye exams, frames, and contact lenses.


    The option for separate dental coverage to cover preventative major and basic dental services.


    The company offers a pre-tax 401(k) contribution plan with a company match.

    Direct Deposit

    We offer direct deposit to all employees.


    On a calendar year basis, the Company pays all employees 6 major holidays, including New Year's Days, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.
    Equal Opportunity Employer–minorities/females/veterans/individuals with disabilities/sexual orientation/gender identity

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