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  • Zmluvná Logistika/Riadenie Dodávateľského Reťazca

    Data Center Logistics Technician - Madrid


    Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Španielsko

    Career Level
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Trvalý pracovný pomer
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 399605

    Your Tasks

    • Perform assigned tasks related to Logistics/Warehouse Support.
    • Enter data to document incoming and outgoing packages.
    • Ensure accurate documentation of incoming and outgoing deliveries, as well as records.
    • Conduct cyclical audits and data corrections to ensure compliance with all inventory controls.
    • Ensure detailed tracking of physical inventory and staging.
    • Leverage process knowledge and best judgment to complete tasks with minimal direct supervision.
    • Maintain and manage accurate and up-to-date information within various inventory management systems
    • Ensure detailed tracking and preparation of physical inventory.
    • Assist in reconciling and reporting inventory discrepancies.

    Your profile:

    • Academic background: Diploma / Degree / Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience.
    • Proficiency in English.
    • A minimum of 1 year of relevant experience.
    • Experience with electronic equipment will be valued.

    We are looking for you as a Data Center Logistics Technician at DB Schenker in Madrid, Spain. 

    If you are interested in this exciting position and would like to join and contribute to a motivated team, then we look forward to receiving your application. * Equal Opportunity Employer: at DB Schenker we are proud of our diverse workforce and we are committed in enhancing it further. Therefore, we welcome all applicants, regardless of gender, age, disability, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

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