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  • Pobočka

    Atlanta, Georgia, Spojené štáty

    College Park, Georgia, Spojené štáty

    Career Level
    Učňovské vzdelanie | Integrované štúdie | Stáž | Absolventi | Profesionáli | Pracujúci Študent | Program Pre Stážistov | Akademickí profesionáli
    Typ pozície, Typ práce
    Trvalý pracovný pomer
    Dátum zverejnenia, identifikačné číslo
    , 396470

    Responsible for loading and unloading freight accurately, inventory control, rotation and inspection and other warehouse related duties. Tasks & Responsibilities: •Load inbound and outbound freight to and from vehicles and containers •Unload inbound and outbound containers and sort according to size of freight and destination •Read, decode, and decipher freight coding in order to expedite freight movement and tracing process •Reconcile driver pick up and delivery manifests •Label, weigh, and dimensionalize freight •Perform cleanup activities in the work area to ensure safety and cleanliness of dock •Record damaged shipments and misrouted freight on applicable reports •Responsible for inventory, rotation and inspection of freight held in the warehouse •Complete required documentation and other duties as needed •Perform cleanup activities in the work area to ensure safety and cleanliness of warehouse •Maintain quality standards for warehouse storage and service including communication to internal and external customers •Maintain and ensure a safe working environment •Complete other duties or tasks as assigned...Less

    Responsible for loading and unloading freight accurately, inventory control, rotation and inspection and other warehouse related duties. Tasks & Responsibilities: •Load inbound and outbound freight to and from vehicles and containers •Unload inbound and outbound containers and sort according to size of freight and destination •Read, decode, and decipher freight coding in order to expedite freight movement and tracing process •Reconcile driver pick up and delivery manifests •Label, weigh, and dimensionalize freight •Perform cleanup activities in the work area to ensure safety and cleanliness of dock •Record damaged shipments and misrouted freight on applicable reports •Responsible for inventory, rotation and inspection of freight held in the warehouse •Complete required documentation and other duties as needed •Perform cleanup activities in the work area to ensure safety and cleanliness of warehouse •Maintain quality standards for warehouse storage and service including communication to internal and external customers •Maintain and ensure a safe working environment •Complete other duties or tasks as assigned

    At DB Schenker, you are part of a global logistics network that connects the world. A network that allows you to shape your career by encouraging you to contribute and truly make a difference. With more than 76,000 colleagues worldwide, we welcome diversity and thrive on individual backgrounds, perspectives and skills. Together as one team, we are Here to move.

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