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  • DB SCHENKER truck with PRIDEALWAYS slogan
    • Diversity and Inclusion

    Pride Month – Every Month

    Celebrated in June and taking place 365 days of the year. #PrideAlways

    Celebrating Pride and Fostering Belonging Together

    Stemming from our belief, “Pride Month? PRIDEALWAYS”, we dive into an exciting month which celebrates an attitude that accompanies us throughout the year. 

    We are happy to share some insights from Marina Diez, Diversity & Inclusion, on what is happening Inside DB SCHENKER during this month of celebrating diversity and inclusion.

    The word “celebrate” is often used when it comes to Pride Month. Why?

    Pride Month is a vibrant and empowering time for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. At DB SCHENKER, our teams are going all out this June to celebrate diversity and inclusion as well as give a special attention and recognition to the ongoing strive for equality and acceptance in the workplace. It is important for us to come together during Pride Month to both honor the LGBTQ+ community as well as raise awareness of the challenges related to diversity and inclusion.

    What is the DB SCHENKER Pride Parade?

    This is our first ever digital Pride Parade and it is how we celebrate Pride Month – with a vibrant relay of activities for all our colleagues across the globe. This June, the line-up of initiatives are greater than ever. With unyielding enthusiasm, our teams have set-up a relay of events designed to educate, engage, inspire, and celebrate! From Melbourne to Miami and in between, our teams have created an exciting schedule, packed with DJ sets, insightful panel discussions, and interactive sessions – all aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and building a more inclusive culture that impacts us within DB SCHENKER, the communities we serve, and the industry at large.

    Why is Pride Month so important for DB SCHENKER?

    At DB SCHENKER, we are an international global company that thrives on this diversity and strives to support true inclusivity within our teams and communities. Creating a sense of belonging is not only essential for our teams, it is a powerful catalyst for success in our business and in our communities.


    Portrait of Marina

    Inclusivity is not just a goal, but a journey that requires continuous effort and we are on this journey together.

    Marina / Diversity and Inclusion

    I believe, "People who feel good – work good." Somehow, we all know this to be true. We are all made up of so many unique parts. To judge someone based on one element is like making a decision about a puzzle after seeing only one stand-alone piece. Inclusion starts with seeing beyond that one piece. It starts with truly caring about one another and taking steps (often small ones) that make all the difference.

    We see the power of inclusivity, allyship, education, and unity. Our international, digital Pride Parade is one of many initiatives we are committed to as an organization to support our LGBTQ+ community. 

    Therefore, our motto, Pride Month? PRIDEALWAYS

    If you are interested to learn more out diversity and inclusion at DB SCHENKER, visit our D&I page and reach out to our colleagues.

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