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  • DB SCHENKER Cargo is loaded onto an aircraft

    Reduced Rates on Air Freight Shipments for Key Routes from Europe to Middle East and Africa

    Reduced Rates on Air Freight Shipments for Key Routes from Europe to Middle East and Africa

    Air freight shipments from Europe to Middle East and Africa

    You want fast and reliable air freight services? As a leading international freight forwarder, that's exactly what we offer. Thanks to our vast trade lane network, your goods are delivered safely and on-time. And for a limited time - also with reduced rates.

    Save up to 20% with reduced pricing on selected routes from Europe to the Middle East and Africa.*

    Benefit from high quality and the diverse services available from our established DB SCHENKER network. Based on your needs, we deliver individual solutions for you and your business. 

    Book your air freight shipment online and secure this limited time offer available from May 1 to July 31, 2024.

    Save on key routes from Europe to Middle East and Africa

    A Map showing the DB SCHENKER trade lanes from Europe to MEA

    Select your preferred origin or destination and find out more.

    Booking and saving is as easy as 1-2-3

    1. 1


      Select your desired route in our online booking tool.

    2. 2


      Provide your cargo details and your shipment is ready to go.

    3. 3


      Enjoy reduced rates of up to 20%* on your air freight shipment.

    DB SCHENKER Cargo is loaded onto an aircraft

    Take the fast lane

    When shipping per air freight, one thing is clear: the cargo has a special importance and a time-sensitive nature. That’s why we’re there for you with a comprehensive portfolio of products and services that ensures that your air freight lands on time, is safe, and ready for its big debut.

    • Fast and convenient online booking
    • Partnership with first-class carriers as well as own carrier network
    • Solution for all sizes and shapes of goods
    • Seamless 24/7 online tracking
    DB Schenker employee is pulling the net which is strained over the freight

    Safe from origin to destination

    Our certified supply chain security solutions protect your cargo during both transportation and related warehousing. 

    We assist you by creating tailored security solutions for both transportation and related warehousing, no matter how theft-targeted and valuable your cargo is.


    More air freight services you can benefit from** 

    • 24 / 7 warehouse security and surveillance

    • Direct and consolidation service

    • GDP and Cold supply chain

    • Cargo security

    • Dangerous goods handling

    • In-house customs clearance


    • HUB services

    • General Cargo – Jet Standard / Jet Express

    • Equipment and trucks temperature controlled

    • Broad product portfolio

    • Charter services

    • Trucking service


    • ISO 9001; ISO 14001
    • TAPA certified
    • GDP Conformity Statement
    • AEO F (Authorized Economic Operator) 
    • HACCP
    • Customs Broker Certificate

    Did you know we also offer carbon emission reduction on air freight shipments?

    Start your next journey to zero net emissions with Sustainable Aviation Fuel. Make it part of your solution by contacting your DB SCHENKER customer service expert.

    *This exceptional offer is for a limited period in 2024 and valid for general and stackable cargo only. Conditions may apply.
    **Portfolio varies per location.


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